Can you fix the broken? CHAPTER 23

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HEY GUYS!! Well Dakota woke up finally like yeah! Lol so this will be a Dakota P.O.V so enjoy you amazing people!!!




I had woken up and I don't remember much that had happened since I told Oliver to watch out for the car. It was just a blur. I didn't know if I was having memory loss or if I was having a crazy dream. All I know is that I woke up and saw Vic standing there which I thought would be Oliver but it was Vic.

"Vic?" I whispered I was so weak that's all I could say.
He just looked at me as the nurse came in.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, you need to leave while I talk to Dakota." The nurse said Vic, Oliver and Mike had left. I didn't realize they were in the room until she told them to leave.

"Morning Dakota." the nurse said filling out her clipboard.

"What day is it?" I asked trying to sit up.

"It's been three months since the accident. You were in a coma and you just woken up. Your boyfriend Oliver was released from the hospital about three days after the accident. We were going to pull the plug on you tomorrow. But you woke up. So we won't have to." The nurse said as tears ran down my checks.

"Can you bring everyone back in?" I asked

"Yeah of course, I'm going to notify your doctor that you have woken up." She said as she walked out.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and started to cry. I have been out for three months. I've missed so many things. I felt a warm arm come around me. I lifted my head up to see Oliver sitting there. He sat on the bed and I went and sat on his lap. I hugged him and started crying into his shoulder. I hugged him as tight as I could. If I hadn't of woken up, I would be dead. I looked up and saw Mike and Vic sitting there on the couch. I leaned back away from Oliver and kissed him. He pulled me closer to him but I pulled away. I went back to where I was laying before.

"So what all happened when I was out?" I asked whipping my tears away

"Well, first semester ended. You missed snowball. Your dad is sentences to life in prison. The nurses who worked with your mom, they were paying the bills. They were going to stop paying tomorrow and they were going to pull the plug and everyone was going to spend the night here tonight. The school said that when you get better that you can take your exams, from first semester and then graduate at the end of the school year." Mike replied

"What else? Like with the accident?" I asked sipping my water

"Well the guy didn't wanna press charges. And I had about two surgeries and you had about four. I don't really know what they were for. They said that there was a good chance that you wouldn't of made it, but you did." Oliver said kissing my head

"Kate's a mess. She's been skipping school and doing drugs. She told Kellin, that if you didn't wake up that she would kill herself." Mike said

"And who was giving her the drugs?" I gave Mike a dirty look

"Kellin, he knows a guy." Vic said stepping into my view of Mike. "Did you hear anything that we were talking about, while you were out?" 

I tried to think about it. Really hard. But I couldn't. "Only I loved her more and longer than any of you." 

They all looked at each other. The silence broke when the door opened and the Doctor walked in. It was a girl. 

"Morning Dakota. How are you feeling?" She asked walking over to the machine next to me. 

"Um alright I guess. I wanna leave. I wanna go home." I said pulling my knees up to my chest

"Well we are going to need to do some test. Gentlemen!" She said as Mike, Vic and Oliver stood up "You can go home. She needs some rest. You can come visit her tomorrow. I'm goin-" 

"Can Oliver stay? He's my boyfriend. Just him? Please." I said 

"Sure why not, he is your partner. But he will need to leave for the tests." She took out a clipboard an wrote something down. "Alright say your good byes, while I go get the utensil's for the tests." She said walking out. 

"Alright little girl, don't die on my yet." Mike said giving me a hug. "Can you call Kate and tell her I'm not dead. And I'll try not to." I said and he nodded yes

Vic didn't say anything until he gave me a hug and he whispered something into my ear. "I was the one who said that I loved you longer than anyone else." After he said that, he wouldn't even look at me. He just walked out of the room behind Mike. I just kinda sat there in shock. Vic is like my older brother that I never had. Oliver came and sat on my bed and I sat on his lap again. I hugged him as a single tear ran down my face. 

"I love you." Oliver said 

"I love you too. If you wern't here, I don't know what I would do. You mean the world to me. And having you here for me. Waiting for me. It means a lot and I mean that. You have no idea how much I love you." I whispered into his ear. 

He kissed my neck, it sent shivers down my spine. I pulled away and kissed his smooth soft lips with passion. Our lips moved in motion. I tangled my fingers in his hair as he put his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. I pulled away ending the kiss to get some air. I looked into his beautiful hazel eyes as he looked into my bright green eyes. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." 

Oliver got up and left the room. I was alone in my room, for about two seconds when he ran back in and kissed my check and then ran out again. In a few moments the doctor and nurse came in and started doing some test. Just the simple breath in and breath out and touchy feely type thing. After a while my doctor said that I needed to spend the night for observation and that I can leave in the morning. Which I was happy about. I turned on the t.v to see that the Walking Dead was on so I started watching it. Oliver came back in and laid on the bed next to me. I guess they were having a marathon because they played the whole season. We were making jokes about it and just talking about random things. It gotten dark pretty fast. Every once in a while a nurse would come into check on me. Which I didn't mind. Oliver had his arm around my shoulders and I had my head on his shoulder. I felt my eyes get heavy and I didn't want to fight to stay awake. Hell, I've been fighting to stay alive. I eventually fell asleep in his arms. 

JERI SAYS: Hey! What did you think of that? Well I'm staring a new book called Props & Mayhem so read that please! Share it with your friends or something! It would help out a lot. Anyway. Bye you amazing perfect beautiful people!!!

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