Can you fix the broken? CHAPTER 15

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HEY GUYS!!!! Well here's your update!



"Ill get the door!" I said to Oliver and I ran in that direction.

I opened the door to see, guess who Kate and Kellin. We greeted each other with hugs and hellos. Kate was wearing black skinny's, a Green Day tank top, with a black sport's bra underneath with a bright green beanie to match her shirt. Kellin was wearing a white dress shirt with a black tie and black skinny's. Us three walked over to the light up table with candles and it was piled with food. Kate's eyes just lit up. Her family doesn't really like to eat together so this was kinda like Christmas for her. Kate and Kellin sat together while Oliver and I sat together on the other side of the table facing each other. We began taking food from plates that were placed in the center. Of course having small talk first before we get to the main topic.

"So Kate, what's the big news?" I asked grabbing some mashed potatoes.

"Were coming to California with you, Kota and I will go to the same school. Kellin and Oliver will also be going to the same school." Kate said holding Kellins hand on the table

I sat there for a moment to process what I was just told. I mean I loved Kate like my sister. Yeah it was cool for her to come with but her and Kellin, have been fighting and I don't want them to break up in a place where they would have no where else to go.

"Kate, you don't have to come with, you can stay here with your family." I said breaking the silence

"Fuck my family, they never cared about me anyway. All they cared about was my brother's football scholarship. You guys are my family." she said smiling at me.

I knew that something had happened at her house. She lovers her family even if they ignore. There was this one time a while ago where she spent spring break with me and my mom up at our old cabin and she was crying because she missed her family. She was just saying that she wants to come with because her mom or dad said something to her.

"Cheer's" I said as I rose my glass "To family"

"To family!" everyone said in unison.

"Alright me news." I said as everyone looked at me

"I've decided to graduate at semester, which is in like a month and a half." the room fell slient

"I can still go to senior ball with you guys, we can still hang out and everything. It's just that school is getting in the way right now and I just wanna be done with it. Then during spring break Oliver and I were going to go to California to look at an apartment. You guys are more than welcome to come with us. So yeah, that's our news" I said

"Kota, what will I do without you next semester?" Kate asked

"Katelynne, you will be fine. I know you will." I said as I looked into her glossy eyes.

"Okay, well I'm happy for you Kota." she said smiling

The rest of the diner was just talk about how great life will be in California. No snobby bitches that torment us every day. No parents to tell us right from wrong. We could do what we want to. Nothing was in our way. We could spend the rest of our lives there.

After we ate, Kate helped me clean up. We were talking about ether we would have kids or not. She wanted kids, of course. I wasn't sure if I wanted kids. I didn't want them to grow up to be awkward and depressed kid. I didn't want my kid to turn out like I did. And I sure as hell didn't want the kid to have to go through what I went through.

Kate and Kellin left around 10 pm. Oliver and I decided to study really quick before we went to bed. Since I was graduating soon, I had to take exams and the final test. The final test is a 10-page essay on our high school experience. And when we come back for our reunion in about 10 years or so, we can read them and reflect on our life so far. I haven't even started it yet. I knew that I wanted to spill my guts out to people. Tell them what I had to go through and when they gave me shit, it just gotten worse. Oliver was working on some math homework. I started on the essay. The first page was describing my freshman year with all the abuse and cutting. I of course started crying. I was describing how that I flet so alone but until I met the guys. Katelynne was the only one there for me at the time. I decided to stop writing and go do something else. Tomorrow was Friday and I had work so I decided to go to bed. I curled up next to Oliver while he had his arm around me. It felt nice to have someone that actually wants me.

In my stereo in my room, I quietly played our song. He started playing with my hair. I was playing with his hands. We just laid there like that for about an hour because we couldn't sleep. I looked over at my alarm and saw it was almost 2 in the morning.

"I'm going to sleep, I love you." I said to Oliver

"I love you to." He said kissing my head.

I rolled over, my eyes got heavy and I tried not to fight them so I went to bed.

I was awoken up by the sound of crying. I looked over to see Oliver taking a blade to his wrist and saw blood on my floor. I got up and went and sat by him. I took the blade from him and flushed it down the toilet. I grabbed my first aid kit. I ran to his side. I took his wrist and cleaned it. I was so worried, he had seemed fine just right before I had fell asleep. I started wrapping his wrist. I looked into his eyes. They were red from crying so much.

"They just ached. I couldn't help it. I needed that moment of numbness." Oliver said looking away from me. "I feel like I let you down, you were having such a hard time staying clean, and I just pick it up with out no hesitation. I let everyone down." He said crying again.

"No, babe, you didn't let me down. When I broke the picture the other day, I meant to cut myself, I needed that escape. We all need it. It's an addiction. It can't be stopped no matter how hard you try." I said sitting on the floor next to him and placing my head on his shoulder. I reached down to hold his hand.

We just there in silence for a few moments. I was so worried, he never talks to me about his problems. He keeps, them inside of him. And tonight he just kinda exploded. I felt so useless. Not being there for him when he's always there for me.

"If you didn't wake up, I probably would just let myself die. I want to die. I don't want to be here. I wanna be in eternal sleep. I wanna be in a kingdom that's 2-foot wide and six feet feet. I wanna be numb forever." Oliver said breaking the silence. 

"But I won't, I can't. I want to but I can't. I have you, and all of our friends. I just can't leave you guys like that. I can make a promise, right now. That I will never give up on this life, not now, not ever. I will not go to far. And that's a promise. And a promise I will keep. No matter how bad it gets." He said kissing me.

I just looked into his red eyes. He made a half smile at me. I just sat there next to him. I never knew he was this depressed. I just thought that he had his moments. But he actually wanted to die. And if he did then I would have woke up and saw him dead, on the ground. I just sat there thinking of my life with out him. If I found him on the ground, I would have gone to my razor with out any hesitation. I walked over to my closet and pulled out my box. My box with all my old toys in it. I went to the bottom of the box and pulled out my sucide note that I wrote. I handed it to him.

"Your not the only one who wants to die." I said putting my head on his shoulder.

JERI SAYS: I felt like that was a nice place to end. Sorry for re writing this but yeah so just enjoy until next time.

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