Can you fix the broken? CHAPTER 22

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HEY GUYS!! Well how did you enjoy that update? I wanted to show it from someone else's point of view. And I'm sorry if it wasn't as descriptive as my other chapters. I was having a bad day when I wrote it. So enjoy.




So it's been about 3 months since the accident and Dakotahasn't woken up yet. The people paying to have her still going have decided to stop paying. And the people that have been paying we're doctors that worked with her mom. So they know her. They decided to take her off the machine on her birthday. She will turn 18. Her golden birthday. It will obviously be golden. Mike, and Vic haven't left her room. Well like they go to her room everyday after and before school and they sit with her. I go whenever I can. I mean I still have to work and I have school. So I come whenever I can. I don't have work today so I'm going to see her.

I walk in the room and see Mike and Vic siting in there usual spots. Mike laying on the couch and Vic in a chair pulled up by the bed. My chair was in the corner. Which is where I put it last time so the doctors can work.

I pulled up the golden brown chair next to her bed and started petting her hair out of her eyes. I brushed it behind her ear. I grabbed her hand and I held it. I could feel her running through her vains. I knew she was still in there and I knew she was still fighting.

"Guys this isn't healthy." Mike said sitting up from the couch.

"What do you mean?" Vic asked as he turned to him.

"Sitting here. She's obviously gone. It's been three fucking months. She's dead! She's gone, she has been since the stupid accident." Mike said storming around the room.

"Mike, calm down. She is getting taken off the machine in two days. Okay? Yes all three of is sitting here for the past three months isn't healthy not at all. But all we have left with her is two days. Alright! Everyone is coming here tomorrow and spending the night with her." I replied. I knew that after two days that she would be gone. But I couldn't afford to pay for it anymore. And neither did the people paying for it now.

"He's right I mean she's going to die tomorrow. We mine as well savor the moment while it's here!" Vic yelled.

"Her last moments! Are you kidding me?! Her last moments at least that she will remember are saying get out of the way Oliver!" Mike yelled doing a gillie voice at the end.

"Well she went out fighting." I said sitting back down in my chair. "I will remember her being abused and almost raped and going to her side at three in the morning when she was swinging the blade across her writs. You guys have known her way longer than I have and you guys will most likely be upset the most. At least you guys will remember her at her best."

"Are you serous right now? she called me way before she even met you. I spent weekends at her house trying to calm her down. And she did the same for me! I called her when I was on the verge of suicide and she came running to my side. I loved her more and longer than any of you!" Vic yelled.


I was sitting by her bed side when Oliver walked in. I guess he didn't have work today. Whenever he doesn't have work he comes in and sees her. I'm here more and longer than both Mike and Oliver. I guess you could say I had a little crush on her. Okay maybe not a little crush, it was a big one. I've had feelings for her. For almost the longest time. I love every little thing about her. And I never confessed it. Which I guess I should have. Oliver brushed her hair behind her ear out of her eyes. Then Mike stood up and talked with his big mouth and said

"Guys this isn't healthy."

"What do you mean?" I asked. I figured he'd say something along the lines of just sitting here and not smoking or something.

"Sitting here. She's obviously gone. It's been three fucking months. She's dead! She's gone, she has been since the stupid accident." Mike said storming around the room.

That's when it hit me. Mike was still in love with her. And he was just pissed that she was going to die. She has three guys that are in the same room with her and are madly in love with her.

"Mike, calm down. She is getting taken off the machine in two days. Okay? Yes all three of is sitting here for the past three months isn't healthy not at all. But all we have left with her is two days. Alright! Everyone is coming here tomorrow and spending the night with her." Oliver said. And he was right. Everyone who cared about her was coming to see her and say their goodbyes.

"He's right I mean she's going to die tomorrow. We mine as well savor the moment while it's here!" I yelled as I stood up from my chair

"Her last moments! Are you kidding me?! Her last moments at least that she will remember are saying get out of the way Oliver!" Mike yelled doing a gillie voice at the end. It made me kinda laugh inside. I loved Mikes girl voice.

"Well she went out fighting.I will remember her being abused and almost raped and going to her side at three in the morning when she was swinging the blade across her writs. You guys have known her way longer than I have and you guys will most likely be upset the most. At least you guys will remember her at her best." Oliver said sitting down in his chair

"Are you serous right now? she called me way before she even met you. I spent weekends at her house trying to calm her down. And she did the same for me! I called her when I was on the verge of suicide and she came running to my side. I loved her more and longer than any of you!" I yelled. It had taken me a moment to realize what I had said. I just spilled my guts out to my brother and one of my best friends. And they both loved her.

"Vic?" Dakota whispered.

JERI SAYS: Well here you guys get two updates in one day. Aren't you guys special. Well Happy Late Easter!! Also sorry for the small chapters, if I make them long I will give away the details. Ill try to update more often tho!!!!

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