Can you fix the broken? CHAPTER 27

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HEY GUYS!!! Well, there will only be about two more chapters. I think. Well I've had an amazing time writing for you people. It been awesome



Well, we leave for CA in two days. I don't know if I'm happy or excited yet. I mean, yeah I'm happy to pursue my dream but I'm leaving all these amazing people behind. People that helped me while I was down. People that I had the best of times with. People that I've grown to accept as my brothers and sister. I'm leaving them behind. 

Well tonight Oliver is staying with his mom before he leaves. I get alone time tonight. We decided to canceled our plane tickets and to just drive there. We have to much furniture and stuff to move. It's just easier to drive. I am currently packing up my bed room. The only room in the house that I'm going to miss. I was carefully removing all my drawings from the wall and placing them into boxes. I moved all of my clothes into boxes and taped them close. I took out the stuff in my closet and packed it into boxes. I stopped when I got to my shoe box with all my old stuff in it. I held it and just sat there. I threw it into any box and taped it shut. I didn't want to think about it. I ran the boxes downstairs into the living room. I saw Mike standing there.

"Oh hey Mike, when did you get here?" I asked setting the box down

"Like two minutes ago. I came to return your house key, before you left." He said handing it to me

"Oh, thanks. Do you want a drink?" I asked sliding the key into my pocket

"Sure." He followed me into the kitchen. I handed him a water bottle

"It's all we have." I said. I pulled him in for a hug. I hugged him tightly. He rubbed my back which sent chills down my spine. I felt butterflies in my stomach, which was weird. I love Oliver. Didn't I? I pushed the thought to the back of my mind. 

"I'm going to miss you Mike." I said crying. He took my face in his hands and I looked up at him

"Don't cry Kota. I'm going to miss you to. But I'll come visit whenever I can alright?" He said wiping my tears away

"Okay, just promise me that you will come and visit and bring the guys?" I said smiling. I could feel the butterflies again. I don't know why. Do I still have feelings for him? I looked at his lips and bite mine. WAIT. Stop Dakota, your with Oliver, you love him.

"Alright and hey, is you t.v. still hooked up?" Mike asked pulling away from me wanting more.

"No, sorry. But we could watch a movie on my laptop." I said grabbing Dawn of the Dead from a box

"Alright cool." He said as we walked upstairs.

I crawled into my bed and under my covers. Mike laying next to me. He put his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder. I grabbed my laptop and put the movie in. That was possibly my all time favorite zombie movie. I saw it in theaters with Mike when it came out. I laughed at all the blood and guts. We were making jokes about the movie and just random stuff in the background. When the movie was over I sat up and took the movie out. I got up out of my bed to get a new movie

"Hey, instead of watching a movie why don't we do something else?" Mike said winking at me. I bite my lip when I saw his lip piercings. I put my laptop on the ground and sat on his lap. 

I was nervous about what was going to happen. I mean I loved Oliver. But do I still have feelings for Mike? I don't really know. God did I want to kiss him. His lips looked so soft and smooth. I leaned over and planted a kiss on his lips. I entangled my hand in his hair. He sat up and put his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I brushed my tongue against his bottom lip asking for entrance, which was granted right away. I pulled away to get some air while he went down to kissing my neck. I felt fireworks go off as all of this happened. I don't know how I feel about this. He went back to kissing me. I felt his hands reach up my shirt. I pull it over my head and he does the same. He rolled over and on top of me. You can guess what happened next. 

*Half a hour later*

I laid next to him thinking about what just happened. I just turned into a slut. I slept with one of my best friends while I have a boyfriend. I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I got up and took a shower. Shower's usually help me think. I washed my hair and washed my body. I shaved and got out. I changed into basketball shorts and into a Gun's and Roses tank top. I walked out of my bathroom to see Mike getting dressed.

"That, was something that I missed, a lot." Mike said kissing me softly."I'm going to miss you Dakota, and a lot." 

"Mike, I'm probably going to miss you most. Your one of my best friends. How will I live with out you?" I asked hugging him

"You will. You will have Oliver, Kellin and Kate to take care of you." He rubbed his hand up and down my back which sent chills down my spine. 

 "Spend the night?" I asked looking into his eyes

"Sure." He kissed my forehead

"But you have to help me finish packing." I said laughing

"I can do that." He replied "When's the truck coming to like load everything onto it?"

"It should be here in the morning." I said 

*It is currently 3 am*

"Alright, I think we got everything." I said looking around. The only thing still out was my mattress and my laptop with a small bag of clothes.

"Cool, wanna watch a movie?" Mike asked

"Can we just go to sleep? I'm so tried." I said laying down on my bed

"Sure." Mike said taking his shirt and pants off. 

I laid down next to him. I laid my head on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat which put me to sleep in a few moments

I woke up and looked at my phone to see that it was 12. I rolled over to see my bed empty. I got up and walked down stairs. I saw Oliver in the kitchen on my laptop

"Morning love." He said kissing me. I felt awkward. I mean less than 16 hours ago, I was having sex with Mike. I looked at my phone and saw that I had a voice mail. 

I sat down on the island across from Oliver. I pressed play and listened to it

Hey Kota. So its about 6 in the morning and I woke up and saw that you were sleeping. I got up and left because if Oliver came home and found me in your bed, it would of been bad. Listen about last night. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. You probably hate me right now but yeah. I'm not going to tell anyone about last night. I'll see you later.

I smiled at the thought of seeing him again. I don't know what came over me. It just kinda happened. I was questioning everything that was happening around me. 

"You okay?" Oliver asked which made my train of though derail. 

"Yeah, just tired. Is the moving truck here yet?" I asked sipping his coffee

"Yeah we can start whenever. But I think we should start now or soon because we have a lot of shit to move." 

"Alright lets blast some music while we do it. And did we sell the house yet?" I asked hugging him

"Yeah, last night actually. We got as much as we asked for." He said kissing me lightly

JERI SAYS: Well I had this all planned out from the beginning and I'm happy of how it came out. I'm sad to say that there will be only one more chapter and then were done. Comment if you want me to make a sequel. I probably won't though. Thanks!!!

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