Can you fix the broken? CAHPTER 20

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HEY GUYS!! How about that cliffhanger. Lol well here's your update. ENJOY!!!


"She, she's um." the nursed paused which made me very nervous.

"She is right across the hall, she still hasn't woken up yet. She has brain wave activity, just she hasn't waken up yet." Dr.Shepard said. I felt a wave a relief go over me.

"So that means she's alive?" I asked

"Yes, just sleeping. You have been out for about seventeen hours now. I need to do some tests before you can go." Shepard said.

"Well I feel like shit." I said

"Oliver!" my mom said "Language."

"It's fine, just kind of describe your felling like shit." Shepard said

"Well, my whole body hurts, especially my head and I don't think I can move my foot." I said pointing to my foot.

"Well lets take a look shall we?" the nurse said walking over to the end of my bed and rubbing my feet. "Feel that?"

I shook my head no.

"Alright lets remove your pants." she said

"Whoa whoa, at least buy me dinner first." I said the nurse just smiled at me.

"Shepard." I called out. He looked my way

"What's your first name? I mean I'm going to be here a while and I mine as well know your name." I said reaching for my water

"Derek. Now I'm going to check on my other patients, I'll be back later. Derek said as he walked out.

"Now Oliver close your eyes. I need you to focus on your feet okay and tell me if you feel this." the nurse said

"I don't fe- Ah!" I yelled as I opened my eyes "What the hell?"

"Well you can feel your feet that's a good thing. And Molly." she said writing something on my chart.

"Molly? As in the drug?" I asked rubbing my foot

"Molly as in my name." She said as she walked out.

"Mom, dad?" I said as they both looked my way "You guys need to leave. Dad go home back to where ever you live now. And mom, just take a few days off and have a glass of wine and watch tv. If I need you guys I will have the nurse call. Alright?" I said

"Bye bitches!" my dad said as he walked out of the room

"No I can't." my mom said sobbing in tears

"Yes, yes you can. And you are going to." I said letting go of her hand.

"No!" she yelled

"Mom! Leave. I don't want you to see my like this." I said as I his my arms away from her view.

"But your my baby,"

"Your 'baby' has grown up and can take care of himself. Now go." I said as I looked into her helpless eyes.

She got up and left the room. It got really quiet after that. I grabbed the remote that had only about seven buttons. I turned on the tv and the news came on. They were talking about our accident. They showed my car and how terrible it looked. I'm surprised myself that we survived. They were saying how we swerved out of the way and then hit something else and then rolled from there. They were saying how Dakota barley made it out.
I turned the channel to something else besides the news. I wanted my laptop. I decided to call Mike to get my laptop. Dakota had given him a house key. So he could get in the house. He said that he's glad that we're alive and that they all wanted to come see me. I said of course.
I was flipping through the channels to find something to watch until my laptop gets here. I was watching Tree House master. It was a pretty cool show. I had a tree house back at my old house before I moved here. It was cool, I spent most of my time in there. like it was my own house. But this tree house had a bathroom and everything in it. It was awesome. My train of thought derailed as I herd a knock at the door

"Come in!" I yelled turning the tv off

The door opened and I saw Mike standing there in the door way.

"Hey man!"

JERI SAYS: Here's your guys update! So Mean Girls is on Netflix so I'm going to go watch that. And HEY! We're almost to 1k reads so tell your friends!

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