Can you fix the broken? CHAPTER 3

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HEY GUYS!! So what did you think of that last chapter? Pretty intense if you would ask me. But well yeah so enjoy this chapter.                                                                                                                                                                   ~Jeri


As I was pulled into the office, which i've never been to by the way. It had a couple of police officers and a few staff members. The school nurse came in to take a look at us. She went to Stephanie first because she was the most hurt.

"You beat her up pretty good, it seems like you know what you were doing." the school nurse said.

I just sat there in silence. The next thing you know a group of guys came in. It was half of the football team and then a group of guys who went to this school for a while but I haven't talked to them. Except for Mike he was my ex. We dated for like 7 months. I don't really wanna talk about it. They all looked like they had just been in a fight. Then Oliver trailed in behind them. I got up off my seat. But then a police officer grabbed my and wouldn't let me pass. 

"Oliver!" I exclaimed, "What happened?" 

"Jordan and his friends beat us up." he said "We were trying to defend you when you got pulled into here." 

I sat there realizing that people cared about me and that people didn't want to see me hurt.  Even though its a small number, but at least its a number. I went into the principles office to tell my side of the story.

"Stephanie's boyfriend Jordan, hurt my best friend. He made her bleed. And when I went into the bathroom to help Stephanie was in there and she was slandering me and my best friend. So me and Katelynne skipped 2nd hour and we stayed in the bathroom so I could patch her up. Then I told he to go home and that I would deal with Stephanie and Jordan." I explained

"Then what?" Mr. Shultz asked  (The Principle) 

"I went to talk to Stephanie. Well I actually didn't talk to her, I punched her in her face. I'm not going to lie to you. Then she told Jordan to back off and then we fought." I paused "I know what I did was wrong but I was defending my friend. Go ahead suspend me or whatever, but I'm not sorry for what I did, the bitch had it coming." I said

"Language." He said "Now tell me why else you hit Stephanie, I understand that she can be rude and everything but violence is never the answer." he tried to explain to me.

I rolled up my sleeve to show my scars, "I was also defending my self, she pushed me to do this since the 7th grade!" I rolled my sweater down "Katelynne's arms are the same, Jordan opened her scars, That's why she was bleeding,' I said. We sat there in silence for a few moments.

"Well Dakota since this is your first infraction like ever in your history of school, and I see you have enough problems of your own." He said pointing to my arm,  "I'm doing this because you all have college scholarships that I don't want to be ruined. And plus,  your mom saved my son from a car accident last year. I'm not going to punish you but if you come in my office again you will be in troubel. Alright?" he paused. "Know go home for the day." he said.

I walked out of his office. I went and sat down by Oliver, unfortunately he was sitting on the end seat and the seat next to him was open but the seat next to that seat was Mike. I didn't have anything against Mike it's just that our break up was tough. 

"Hi Mike," I said then he waved to me,  "Oliver are you okay? You didn't have to do that." I said holding hid hand, we made eye contact and we sat there for a few moments. 

"Get a room!" I herd Mike yell. I just gave him a death glare. 

"ignore him. Again you didn't have to do that. But by the looks of it, you guys won." I said looking around the room.

"It was all Mike. He did most of the work, if anything you should be thanking him not me." Oliver said. 

I looked over at Mike, he just grinned at me. I stood up, "Well I guess that I should get home since I've been suspended for the day, by guys." I said picking up my backpack. I kissed Oliver on the cheek to make Mike jealous. I walked out the office doors, escorted by a police officer of cousre. I saw my mom sitting on one of the chairs. I saw her stand up. She had a few tears running down her face. She just took my hand and we went into the car.

"Your principle told me everything, I'm just glad your okay." She said actually crying now.

"I'm sorry mom, it's just that I wanted to stand up for Katelynne that's all." I could feel my eyes getting watery. 

"I just don't like to see you cutting again." she said as we left the parking lot.

I just slid my headphones in. I played some Avenged Sevenfold. I didn't wanna talk about my problems especially with my mom. So when we got home I went straight up into my room. I showered and put pajamas on. I blow dry ed my hair and I put it up into a pony tail. I crawled into bed. I turned on the t.v. and put The Breakfast Club on. That movie reminded me of happier times. I almost fell asleep while watching it. Then I herd a *TAP TAP* on my balcony door. I crawled out of my bed to see who it was.                                                                                                                                       I opened the door to find Mike standing there. He's taller than me  so I had to look up at him. He coughed me face in his hand. He pulled me in closer. I could feel his breath on my face. The next thing you know. He's kissing me. Our lips moved in sync. His lips were smooth and soft. I pulled away ending the kiss. 

"What was that?" I asked in shock

"Something that I missed." he said brushing past me into my room.

"We can't be together!" I snapped

"What? Why were perfect for each other." He said going in for another kiss.

I pulled away from him. "Because I have a boyfriend." I said searching for a answer. 

"Oh yeah and who is this "boyfriend" of yours" he asked

"Oliver!" I said.

Jeri says: Hey guys what did you think of this chapter? I know I made Mike seem like a ass but that wasn't my intention. I needed to do this in order for the ending. And no I'm not giving out anyspoilers. So you'll just have to wait. Sorry guys! 

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