Can you fix the broken? CHAPTER 2

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  • Dedicated to Madison Faith Wilber

Hey Guys!!! What do you think of the last chapter? I told you its not that good. Well this chapter just jumps into it. I mean there's tears, blood, and a fight. I'll try to keep updating it as much as I can! Thanks to all the people that have read it so far!!!



I patted Katelynne's head. I saw the class start to fill with students. Everyone was looking at us. I pushed her face out of my shoulder. I looked at her. Her make-up was running. I wiped her running make-up away. I grabbed her wrist. I felt scars, I mean they were there before but there were some new ones. I pulled her into the hallway. I saw the bathroom down the hall. I tugged her into the bathroom. The few people that were still in the hallway were looking at us. So I tried to hurry. She had her hand covering her face. We had finally reached the bathroom. I saw the 'queen bee' of the school and her friends in the bathroom. They all stared at us. I shoved Katelynne into the stall so they couldn't see her. 

"Oh girls look who it is. It's the two emo's at this school." Stephanie said grinning at me "What? Are you guys going to slit your wrists together?" she said as all of her friends started laughing. 

I could feel my eyes starting to water. She was right, I wanted to cut. My veins started to boil. I could feel my face getting red and warm. Stephanie made my and Katelynne life's a living hell. She is the one who is constantly bulling us. She has ever since high school started. She made us feel like shit, almost everyday because of the stuff that made us happy. Trashing everything we enjoyed.

"What a stereotype." I said walking closer to her "Bitch" I could hear Katelynne crying in the stall. 

"I'M DOING THIS BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOUR STUPID FRIENDS, YOU FUCKING WHORE!!!!" Katelynne yelled as she came out of the bathroom with her wrist all bloody.

Stephanie's mouth just dropped open, her eyes were pealed open just staring on her wirst. I stepped into her view so she couldn't see Katelynne. Stephanie grabbed her purse and she walked out of the bathroom. All of her friends followed behind her. When the bathroom was empty I ran behind and slammed the door shut and locked it.                                                                                            I locked the door so no one could come in. I went over to Katelynne. I patched up her wrist.  She just sat there while I did it. Her phone kept going off. I grabbed it from her, to see who she was getting messages from, Kellin. I shut her phone off. I didn't want her to get distracted. I looked her in the eyes. She was quiet after that. 

"Kate." That's her nickname. She looked up at me. "What's wrong?" I asked as a single tear ran down my face. 

"Jordan fucking pushed me into the locker and opened my cuts." she said "I wouldn't cut in the bathroom at school." she said finally smiling at me. 

"Jordan? As in Stephanie's boyfriend?" I asked. She shook her head yes.

I knew that she was up to no good. I mean look at her name. Hell the girl from Full House, her name was Stephanie and she turned out to be a druggie. So I knew that we had to get revenge. I looked back at my phone and he had like 15 minutes until next hour, so I gave Katelynne my make-up so that way she could fix her's. She did. When she finished she looked at me. She hugged me. 

"I don't know what I would do with out you!" she said as she grabbed her bag.

"You would probably be dead." I said joking. She laughed.

I told Katelynne to go home and get some rest. She did. So that way I could dead with Jordan and Stephanie. I went walking down the hallway. *Ring* The hallway's started to flood with people. I saw Stephanie and Jordan together. I walked up by them. I pushed Jordan away from her. Jordan is your typical jock and Stephanie is the blonde with big boobs in this case. I punched Stephanie straight in the face. She screamed. 

"Jordan stay back, I got this bitch." she said smacking me. 

My face started to sting but I just pushed it behind me. I grabbed her by the hair, which was fake by the way and I threw her on the floor. She laid there on the floor in pain. She kicked my stomach from the floor. Buy this time there was a crowd around us cheering and yelling. I fell to the ground holding my stomach. I grabbed her ankle, and pulled her down. It was a hard fall, it made a big *smack noise. I climbed over her. I was sitting on her stomach. I started punching her face. I had punched people before so I knew what I was doing. I fit my dad, defending my mom and me self. I felt a pain in my hand so I stopped. I figured I had broke it or sprained it.

"Your so fat, that your crushing me." she said as she spit blood out of her mouth. 

That's what set me off.  Yes I know I'm fat, but for her to blurt it out to the whole school. I was done with her stupid ass. I started punching her again. Harder and harder each time. I started crying because of her my life was ruined. She was part of the reason why I cut. After a few moments of me beating her face in. I stopped. I stood up and I backed away from her. I saw a fist come in from the side of me. I was punched right in the face. It knocked me back to the floor. I started to feel dizzy.          When I could finally see who hit me. I saw Jordan standing above me. *Ring* The bell had ran to go to next hour. As the hallways cleared. I saw a group of guys standing there. They just looked at me. I saw the principle come up and grab my arm. He pulled me into his office.

Jeri says: Well guys I told you that this chapter was going to be interesting didn't I well enjoy!

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