Can you fix the broken? CHAPTER 25

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HEY GUYS!! Well enjoy an update. Like I said, you guys should go read Props & Mayhem, by me. That would be greatly appreciated. Thanks you very amazing people.



I just had woken up. I have work today, which was my last day. I'll probably be crying the whole day. The rest of the week, i'll be packing until we leave for CA. Oliver graduates tomorrow and so do all the rest of my friends. Were having a party tomorrow night to celebrate. Don't worry, we already went shopping so we won't be in anymore accidents.

I got up and quickly got into the shower. I washed my hair and my body and got out. I put on my work clothes and applied winged eyeliner and some foundation. I threw my hair into pony tail and headed downstairs. Oliver must already be at school. I grabbed my side bag and headed out to my bike. I started up the engine and I was on my way. I tried not to think about the fact that this is my last day at a place, I've worked my entire life. This was something hard for me to let go. I wiped away the tears that had escaped my eye. I pulled into the parking lot and turned my bike off. I took out my phone and took a picture of the sign so I could show all my new friends in CA about my old life. I slid my phone into my pocket and walked inside. I opened the door and saw that the lights were turned off so I turned them on to see all my co workers and the nurses that worked with my mom standing there with balloons and gifts and there were pictures of me growing up all over the place. I instantly started crying as the owner of the diner walked up to me and gave me a huge hug.

I felt a huge amount of arms come around me as I started balling into my hands. I pulled away and wiped away my tears. I started laughing because I love all these people and they were there through out my life. I went and sat down at the counter and cracked open a beer.

"Thank you, you guys this means so much to me after the year that I just had." I said trying to fix what was left over of my make-up.

I got a various of Your Welcomes. I asked if our cook could make me some food since I didn't eat breakfast. While he did I opened the gifts that everyone got me. I didn't expect gifts. I got a lot of money and then some house warming gifts. My favorite on was the one I got from the Owner of the dinner. She had kept every picture that we had taken together or with customers and put them into a scrap book. When I started going through the pictures, I started crying as we shared so many memories. That was the most best gift I had ever gotten.

"I don't know if I will be able to like live with out you guys in California. Honestly. I'm going to be so scared. I don't know if I will be able to do it." I said as tears ran down my check.

"Yes you can do it. Hell we all did it. It's not that hard. Just take it as a fresh start. You will do great. In five years from now we will be hearing in the news about something amazing that you did." She said as tears ran down her face.

"I love you guys so much." I said hugging everyone.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I walked into the bathroom to check it. I saw the time and saw that it was already 2:30, Oliver's graduation is at 3. I ran out of the bathroom and back into the diner

"What's wrong dear? You look like you just saw a ghost." One of the women that worked with my mom said

"I'm sorry but I need to go, Oliver's graduation is in half an hour and I just gotta go. I'll come back when it's done tho. I promise" I said running out the door.

I jumped on my bike and started the engine right up. I drove into traffic and was speeding so I could make it and get a seat. I drove into the parking lot to see everyone in nice clothes and then there's me in my crappy work clothes. I ran up to the front and grabbed the closest seat. I took out my phone. I silenced it and then looked for Oliver in line. I saw him by all my other friends who were graduating. I took out my phone and took a picture them standing there.

They all got in line and then they started giving out the diplomas.

"Christa Smith." They called. Next was Oliver. I ran up to the front and took a picture of him.

"Oliver Sykes." They called he walked up and shook the principals hand and got his diploma. I got a picture of him smiling. I went back to my seat.

After everyone's name was read off, everyone went to our house while I went back to the diner to say my final goodbyes and collect my things. I hugged all of my friends and Oliver as they left.

I got on my bike and left. I didn't want to think about this. That this would be the last time I would be here.

I pulled into the empty parking lot and got off my bike. I sighed and went inside. I was battling tears. I tried to blink them away. I pushed open the doors to see almost everyone was gone. There were only the owners of the diner and  two nurses. All the presents were in a big bag and sitting on the counter. I sat down at the counter and started listening to the stories they were telling

"I remember it just like it was yesterday. I walked into the delivery room and saw your mom with her legs spread wide open. I have my gloves on and my suit. I sit down on the chair and get ready for this little thing to come out. I told her to push and she did. It only took two pushed for you to come out. The first thing I said was Its a girl. And your mothers jaw just dropped. I carried you over to where we cleaned you off and then within five minutes you were in your mothers arms. She started crying and it was so beautiful. We took you back while they cleaned up your mom and rolled her to her room where you and her spent the night. By the morning they came up with your name. Dakota. You were out of the hospital later that day." Julie said. She was a nurse that worked with my mom. 

JERI SAYS: Well here's your update. You should go ready Props & Mayhem by me! It would really mean a lot to me. A big thanks goes out to StarWarsTurtle for giving me a shout out. Anywhore enjoy this update!!!

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