Can you fix the broken? CHAPTER 16

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HEY GUYS!!! Well how about that end though?!?! I was kinda down in the dumps when I wrote that. So umm yeah enjoy this update!!!

~ Jeri



I looked down after a while to see that Dakota had fallen asleep. I decided to let her sleep after the past few days have been hard on her. I got up off of our bed. I walked to the other side of the room where I have my clothes.
I reached down and picked up my phone. I saw that I had a lot of messages. Mostly from my mom and dad. I was eighteen so I didn't really have to choose who I wanted to live with. I actually didn't want to live with either of them. My mom and I would always argue over the smallest things. My dad always told me how much of a disappointment that I am to my family.
I decided to call my mom. She works the night shift so she was up.

*Im just going to do this because I'm to lazy to go into detail*

OLIVER: Hey mom
OLIVER MOM: shouldn't you be sleeping
OLIVER: please let me say what I have to say
OLIVER MOM: Oh alright
OLIVER: look, I don't want to be involved in your and dad's divorce. I'm happy here with Dako-
OLIVER MOM: Oh you still with that whore?
OLIVER: Let me finish. I don't want live with you or dad, I don't want to go back or forth between you to. I'm still moving with her to California this summer. Now I don't want you to tell dad, he will drag me home. I'm eighteen now, I can do what I please and I want to do this.
OLIVER MOM: Hannah misses you
OLIVER: What did you say.
OLIVER MOM: She called and asked when we were moving back, so she can see you again. She misses you.
OLIVER: No, I broke up with her okay? I love Dakota now! Tell her to leave me alone!

I furiously hung up the phone. Hannah was the girl I left behind when I came here. My mom and dad both liked her. Don't get me wrong I liked her too, but I was leaving a probably for a while so I ended things. I threw my phone across the room which made a big noise.
Dakota rolled over so I thought I woke her up.
My arms started to ache. I couldn't deal with this stress right now. I needed to be there for Dakota, she needs me.
I went into my dresser and pulled out my razors I had taped to the bottom of them. I went and sat by my side of the bed. I didn't want to be under this much stress. my arms had started to burn now just having the blade this close. I removed all of my braclets. I looked out the balcony window and up at the stars. Back home, which I missed a lot, I used to look up at the stars. I looked back down at my wrist. It was just as bad as Dakota's thys. I took the cold piece of metal and slid it across my sore wrist. I did it again and again. I had lost count of how many I made. I started crying and real hard.
I didn't want to live anymore. I wanted to be in eternal sleep. I just looked up at the ceiling, at all of her beautiful art work. I realized that she had a lot going for her. All I had was that I knew how to play the guitar and I suck at cooking. I guess I was crying really loud because the next thing I knew is that Dakota was up and she was sitting at my side. She took my blade and ran into the bathroom.  I knew what she was doing because I had done the same for her, flushing her blades. She came back with her first-aid kit that she uses to clean up her messes. Dakota grabbed my arm and started to clean it. She wrapped it up. 

"They just ached. I couldn't help it. I needed that moment of numbness." I said looking at the pool of blood that I had made on her carpet. "I feel like I let you down , you were having such a hard time staying clean, and I just picked them up without no hesitation. I let everyone down." I said crying again. 

"No, babe, you didn't let me down. When I broke the picture the other day, I meant to cut myself, I needed that escape. We all need it. It's an addiction. It can't stopped no matter how hard you try." Dakota said sitting next to me on the floor and placing her head against my shoulder, then she reached down to hold my hand.

I sat there thinking about everything. If she hadm't had waken up, i'd probably bleed out onto her floor and she would wake up to see my cold, dead body on the ground. 

"If you didn't wake up, I probably would just let myself die. I want to die. I don't want to be here. i wanna be in eternal sleep. I wanna be 6-feet under ground in a kingdom that's two feet wide and 4-feet long. I wanna be numb forever." I said. I wanted her to know that I need her by my side. 

"But I won't. I can't. I want to but I can't. I have you, and all of our friends. I just can'tleave you guys like that. I can make a promise, right now. That I will never give up on this life, not now, not ever. I will not go that far. And that's a promise. And a promise I will keep. No matter how bad it gets." I said as I kissed her. 

She looked into my eyes, as I looked into her green eyes. I made a half smile. I sat there thinking about Hannah. The first person who I thought I loved. Who I thought was my other half. But I was wrong. Well not really, I still love her. I love her more than Dakota. I'll admit, Dakota is amazing and really fun and yeah I love her too. But I love Hannah more. 

Dakota stood up and went to her closet and pulled out a box. And from the box she pulled out a old letter. She handed me the note.

"Your not the only one who wants to die." 

JERI SAYS: Well, kinda a turning point if you ask me. The reason why i'm adding so many depressed moments is because I almost relapsed the other day. I wanted to really bad but I didn't...

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