Chapter Forty Eight

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Baekhyun turns around and sees his sister, crying as she runs to him. He couldn't understand why, but he misses everybody. He hugs Eunji so tight but she didn't mind. "I missed you oppa! Don't leave me again" she mumbles, and that moment Baekhyun stops. He looks at her, "why do you guys keep on telling me not to leave when I never did?"

Chanyeol stops after entering his apartment. The room is neat and organized. He is so sure this is because of Kyungsoo. But he can't appreciate it since his mind is jumbled. He could feel his chest tighten from all the emotions he is feeling. His heart is full of anger, disappointment but there is a part where there is geniune joy and excitement, something Chanyeol never felt before.

"What's happening to me...." he mumbles.

The overwhelming feeling started to pile up to the point when Chanyeol couldn't even breathe. His eyes started to water. He hated his mom, his life, everything. He is so sick of being like this but he couldn't end his life, not with Baekhyun by his side.

Baekhyun is his chance to have a normal life. The only guy who can make him this happy and yet he knows he can't. Chanyeol's planned life doesn't have Baekhyun in it.

Chanyeol is torn, so confused that he doesn't know what to do.

After a few days, Baekhyun was able to go back to school. They decided to have a simple wake for his mother and continued to live in their house along with Luhan and Sehun.

Kai sits beside Baekhyun during lunch time as he noticed him looking for someone in the crowded room. "No one heard about him for days." Kai mumbles but loud enough for Baekhyun to hear. The latter looks at him, he is about to say something but decides to eat instead. Kai looks at Baekhyun closely.

"I didn't know you were gay"

Baekhyun almost spat the food in his mouth making the tanned man laugh. "Jeez Kai!" Kai smiles, "just making you laugh man. Don't worry, no judgements. I can still love you for who you are" Baekhyun lightly punched his friend.

Kai smiles, "but seriously, do you know where Chanyeol is?" Baekhyun places his utensils down and sighs. "I don't have a single clue. I contacted him but he never replied" Kai sighs and gets a piece of Baekhyun's fish. "Well, I wasn't supposed to say this, but as Chanyeol's friend, he has this weird thing that I couldn't understand" Baekhyun turns to him with full anticipation.

Chanyeol finished another meeting which his mother appreciated. He is about to go home when he sees Kyungsoo by his car. "Hey" Kyungsoo smiles but Chanyeol didn't mind. He is about to open the car door when Kyungsoo stops him. "Let's go somewhere first" Chanyeol turns to him, looking devastated as ever. "Kyungsoo, I'm tired"

Kyungsoo smiles, "I'm not giving up on you Chanyeol. Not yet. Whatever you think of Baekhyun, it's not real, only I can love you unconditionally" Chanyeol takes one last look on him and left.

Baekhyun looks at his time, he's been waiting in the lobby for an hour now. Kai told him that Chanyeol will be back exactly at 4:30 but he is late. Baekhyun sighs, he doesn't even understand why he's doing this. He isn't Chanyeol's boyfriend, even though the giant already claimed him plus he still can't forget the day he called him Taehyung and confessed.

His thoughts stop when he sees Chanyeol standing by the entrance. "Baek?" Baekhyun smiles and walks to him. "Chanyeol"

Chanyeol wanted to hug him so tight and tell him how much he misses the smaller but he can't. Not infront of everybody in the lobby and not in this state, not when he is confused. "What brings you here?"

"I.. I was worried for you" Baekhyun honestly answers. Chanyeol couldn't take it anymore and smiles but before he could say anything, he pats Baekhyun's head. "I missed you too".

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