Chapter Fifty Eight

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Sehun couldn't take it any longer. He knows that Baekhyun is a sweet and fragile guy but as Baekhyun's friend, the little puppy should really grow into a strong and huge dog. He needs to stop being nice and really face his problems. Sehun stands, surprising the two. "You should really man up." Luhan's eyes widen, "Babe.."

Sehun shakes his head, "baby, let me do this. Baekhyun needs to hear it" Baekhyun nods and signals Sehun to continue. Sehun takes a deep breath, "look. I know you're extremely nice but there are instances that you need to fight! You just told us that Chanyeol fought for you and I think it is right that you do the same for him"

Luhan turns to Baekhyun who nods in understanding. He knows that Sehun is right but he couldn't do it. He isn't as brave as Chanyeol and he tends to prioritize others than himself. His thoughts disappeared when he felt Sehun's hand on his shoulder. "You're lucky to have Chanyeol. Even if my Luhan might not say this out loud, he knows that Chanyeol is really the guy for you. He is always there for you and even risk his relationship with his mother just for you. It takes a lot of courage do that."

Luhan lightly smiles after Baekhyun turns to him. "My Sehunnie is right. I never thought he'd do these things" Baekhyun takes a deep breath. "Let's give him some time. If nothing happens with his plan, I'll make my move"

It took 3 days before Baekhyun decides its time. He hasn't seen his boyfriend for 3 whole days and no one seems to know what happened to him. There are a lot of times when Kai or Suho would approach Baekhyun about Chanyeol but Baekhyun never let anyone know what happened. But he's sure that Chanyeol needs him more than ever.

Mrs. Park sighs as she looks at Chanyeol who can't stand anymore. He endured 3 days of beating without bothering to eat, sleep or go to school. Mrs. Park did not really give him a hard time. She would just beat him from 3 pm to 7 pm. She would hit his arms, legs and body. But not his face, she couldn't bear to see blood on his beautiful face. There are a lot of times when she wanted to stop, but she can't let everything go to waste.

"Chanyeol, how can you be this selfish? Can't you see that I did this for you? For your future?"

Chanyeol is still kneeling, his head looking down the floor. "Selfish? How can I be selfish when all I did was follow your orders?" Mrs. Park frowns, "you are so near Chanyeol! Near to being the CEO. You will have all the power and money in the world."

Chanyeol turns to her, he has tears in his eyes. "Is that what's important mother? What would I do if I have all the riches and power when my love isn't with me?"

Mrs. Park promised herself that Chanyeol will not end up like her. She never wanted her son to fall inlove. It is because she knows that this feeling can break someone.

She was in the peak of her youth when she met Chanyeol's father. She believed that she can have everything, money, power and love. But when she fell for him, she was satisfied to even have his love. She started to believe that everything will be okay as long as she's with him. She started to disobey her parents and only think of a future for her family. She was contented with what she has and just wishes that they'd always be happy.

But one day, he left even before Chanyeol was born. She was devastated, she was so broken that her heart turned steel. She promised herself that no matter what happens, her heart won't be as weak and fragile as before and she swore that Chanyeol won't be like that.

She surrounded him with people like him and Kyungsoo. Kids who were taught that feelings are a waste of time. She made sure that he will be as cold as her even when she knew he was gay all along.

Mrs. Park knew everything, about Chanyeol's gender preference and his relationship with Kyungsoo. She never did anything because she knew that Kyungsoo will never push their relationship.

She was doubtful of Baekhyun at first but after knowing he was straight just like Kai, she was able to breathe and even treated him just like her own son but never did she imagine that everything would turn like this.

"Son. I did everything for you because I know that someday, you'll realize that I am right. That love is just an illusion. It is temporary and you shouldn't depend on it. What if one day, Baekhyun realizes that he's straight and leave you? What will happen to you?"

Chanyeol chuckles, "mom, you're so afraid that I'd turn out to be just like you but you never even considered what I want." Mrs. Park started tearing up but insisted on listening to what he has to say.

"All my life I wanted to feel love from you. I followed your orders because I want you to treat me as your son and not as a robot. Now I finally found that someone and I'm not gonna let him go. If one day Baekhyun decides to leave, I'll let him. It's his choice, his life. But for me, I chose him"

Mrs. Park was quiet as the car took her home. This is the day she feared the most. The day when Chanyeol realizes that he never was a robot, it was just the creation of his mother. That what he feels for Baekhyun is not artificial but real love.

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