Chapter Nine

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It's as if time skipped a lot of hours and when Baekhyun knows it, it's already weekend. Good thing his mom allowed him to go. He can't forget the look in Eunji's eyes when he's about to leave.

He pats her head, "hey, don't worry about me okay? I'll be fine" Eunji sighs and nods. Luhan stands beside her, his worries are at the same height as hers but he's good at pretending that he's fine. Baekhyun smiles, waves at them and rides the taxi to Chanyeol's condominium.

Eunji takes a deep breath, Luhan holds her shoulder, "I talked to Taehyung. He'll behave" Eunji bites her lip, "I hope so"

Chanyeol is peacefully sleeping until the telephone rang. He irritatedly moves afar, trying to ignore it but it's useless. His mood can be easily noticed on the tone of his voice, "hello?" He answers, "sir, Byun Baekhyun is here" Chanyeol irritatedly scratches his head, "let him in"

Chanyeol takes a deep breath and heads to the bathroom. He hates it when someone visits him this early morning, even if he knows that today is their outing and as much as he is excited to surf at the beach, somehow he isn't in the mood to entertain someone, especially someone as cheerful as Baekhyun.

He looks at his reflection in the mirror, he can't backdown now. He takes a deep breath, inhale, exhale. He starts showing his fake smile and fake hyper mood. "Well he's dumb so he can't notice it anyway." He then starts showering.

Baekhyun somehow feels nervous. He holds the handle of his bag tightly, after noticing these weird things about Chanyeol he can't help but feel awkward towards the latter. He shakes his head, "no Byun Baekhyun. This is nothing. Chanyeol is just a... Friend that I'm not close with.. That's why" before he can continue talking to himself, the elevator door opens.

Baekhyun walks to Chanyeol's door and knocks. But it seems like Chanyeol is not answering. He gets his phone to dial Chanyeol's number and still, no answer. He is about to knock again when the door opens, this time making Baekhyun hold the handle tighter than before.

Chanyeol stood in front of him, with his wet black hair, well toned body and only wearing his towel. There are still drips of water left on him, it seems like he just literally got out of shower. Baekhyun could only gulp.

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