Chapter 7 ~ The Park

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It was the weekend, so Aphmau had the day off. Along with the rest of the students at school...

She woke up, relieved, she didn't have to go to school and hear the wrath of Lilly. She went downstairs and made breakfast. When she opened the fridge she really didn't see much of anything... there was only some frozen dinners and a little bit of milk left. She got the milk and went to the cabinet to see if they had any cereal, and actually there was a little bit of fruit loops left! She got it out of the cabinet poured some and poured what was left of the milk.

She ate that and she realized, she haven't seen her mom this morning yet, she wonders where she is?

She looked around for any sign of her. She saw in the counter a note, she picked it up and it read:

Hey Mija!

If your wondering were I am, I'm at the store! I just got paid this week so I want to get the needs! See you soon love ya!

Aphmau just giggled at the note and put it back.

Minutes later she received a call from Katelyn. Hm... What could she want?


"Hey Aphmau!" Katelyn said

"Hey.. What's up?" Aphmau asks

"I was wondering if you would want to come to the park with us today?"

"Um.. 'Us?' Who's coming?" Aphmau cocked her head.

"Me, Laurance, Garroth, and Lucinda and that's all who I could get to come!" Katelyn shrugged

"Alright, well I'll ask my mom!" Aphmau smiled

"Great! See ya!"

"See ya!" Aphmau hung up she went to the couch and turned on the tv.

She sat there for about 30 minutes then her mom came in with a handful of groceries.

"Hey mija! There are a few more groceries in he car can you go get them for me?" Her mom asked walking to the kitchen.

"Sure!" Aphmau got up and went out to the car and got the three bags of groceries that where left and went back inside.

"So, mom.. Katelyn just called me and asked if I could go to the park with some of my friends! And I was wondering if you could drop me off there?"

"Hm... Sure... I have to do a few things today so I guess it would be fine!" Sylvanna smiled

"Cool! Thanks mom!"

"No problem! Now, get ready we will leave soon! Oh! And don't forget your hood!" She called out

"I won't!" Aphmau said running up to her room.

Aphmau called Katelyn and said she could go and she got ready.


"Bye mom!" Aphmau adjusted her hood before she got out of the car.

"Bye! Be safe!" Sylvanna paused and whispered to her "And be careful, please..."

"I will.." Aphmau said and walked up to her friends.

"Aphmau! Over here!" Katelyn called out, Aphmau turned around to her mothers car leaving the parking lot. Aphmau didn't want to admit it but she was kinda nervous of being here. Even more so than being at school, because, anything could happen here...

"Hey guys!" Aphmau called back.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Laurance asked

"Let's just walk around.. Talk... Catch up.. You know?" Lucinda said

"Yeah! Let's go!"


They all walked around for a bit, they talked, told jokes, laughed. Aphmau felt much better than what she felt earlier.

She looked around and she saw... Aaron

He was with Lilly talking to her. Aphmau remembered what he told her about Lilly. That changed how she thought about Lilly. So she wasn't really 'scared' of her anymore.

Aaron noticed Aphmau and he looked like he was excusing himself from talking to Lilly.

Lilly had a disgusted look on her face. Like she was offended. So she just ignored it and walked away.

"Hey, I'll be right back." Aphmau said to the group and she walked towards Aaron

"Hey!" Aphmau said

"Hey... I would've thought you would have that hood off... You're not at school.. So why.." he got cut of by Aphmau

"I just like it on..." Aphmau looked at the ground.

"Ok... Um.. Want to walk around?" He asked

"Sure!" She blushed a bit.


Aphmau spotted her mom in the parking lot. She waved by to her friends and hopped in the car.

"How was it? Sylvanna asked curiously

"It was great! I actually had fun..." Aphmau looked out the window

"Good..." The rest of the car ride was silent, except from the music playing in the background.

Could she be falling for Aaron..?

No she can't... No one could ever love a Meif'wa because,

Meif'was were forbidden

Meif'was weren't allowed in this world

He probably wouldn't accept her...

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