Chapter 22 ~ I Will Always Love You... {Part 1}

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Blurred sounds surround me as I open my eyes to a darkened room.

"Has she hurt anyone?"

"Why didn't she respond to the call we sent out?!"

I couldn't tell who the sounds were coming from. Or where they were coming from. But I assumed they were right in front of me.

"She awake!" One of them called.

I regain my consciousness as I sit up and rub my eyes.

"Who are you? Where is my mom?What are you going to do to me?! What did you do!? Answer me!" My head gets filled with questions. And I start getting angry.

"Calm down, Meif'wa. We are just going to run a few tests on you real quick." I check my surroundings and they look like scientists or doctors... or.. something.. they are on the other side of a glass wall. And I was on the other side with a lot of needles and doctor-y stuff that I can't explain. It all looks scary.

"I have a name!" I yell to them. I feel my ears flatten to my head as I get angrier with them.

They all turn towards me.

One of them turns towards the other and points to something pinned up on the wall.

It was a clipboard.

He cleared his throat and spoke.

"Umm... Aph...mou...Aphm...ew--" I just sit there with my arms crossed and my tail swaying side-to-side.

"Aphmau," I correct. "I would think since you guys look like scientists.. or doctors, you would get these things."

"Don't get smart-mouthed with me! I'm the boss here and you will listen--" A man with brown hair and green eyes started to yell.

"Enough! You are NOT the boss, I am, now would you mind getting serum-260 from the lab?" The taller looking guy said to him.

"Fine..." With that he walked away.

"Sorry about that, he just gets worked up over the simplest things... Sometimes I wonder how he got hired here..."

"What are you going to do with me?" I say.

"Well, since you didn't respond to the call we sent out we gotta do some extra procedures on you.." He started writing on the clipboard.

"Procedures? What kind of procedures?!" I stand up from where I was sitting.

He takes a step back

"There are four steps, originally there was going to be two but since you didn't respond to the call like we planned, we have to add two more steps."

"Call? What...?"

"We sent out a... Alarm that only Meif'was could hear. It would make the Meif'wa weak and defenseless. And if the alarm did work... It would've sent us a signal that it found a Meif'wa and told us were it was. But, it did tell us it found something but it didn't tell us where you were." The doctor clicked his pen.

I though for a second.

That alarm did hit me...

When I was at school... in history class!

My head started pounding. I held my hand up to it hoping it would stop. But it just made it worse.

"Aphmau.. Are you okay?" Lucinda asked.

"Y-Yeah.. I-I'm fine..." My vision started getting blurry. No I can't pass out.. My hood might fall off, they might uncover my secret. I raised my hand and stood up.. Maybe standing up was a bad idea. My head started pounding more.


"She's fine, she just needs to go to the nurse! Help me get her to the elevator!" Aaron and Lucinda both helped me into the elevator. By this point I couldn't get my brain to focus what was happening so everything was becoming a blur and my legs gave out, I was now limp. The door opened, Lucinda and Aaron tried to help me out but since my legs were dragging on the floor it was hard to get me moving.

Aaron suddenly grabs my legs and lifts me up bridal style. I didn't even care at this point, my brain was a reck, my body was limp, everything was blurry, I couldn't focus on anything. But I didn't want to pass out... What if they find out? But I couldn't hold it anymore.. All I could remember was Lucinda opening the door to the nurses office.

And everything went black.

"It did hit me!" I yell at them.

"Yeah, we know it did, but we didn't know where it hit you!" He smiled and looked at the others. "Fire up the machine! We are going to start procedure number 1!"

The doctor next to him nods and goes over to a weird looking contraption and flicks a switch.

Suddenly my ears start to ring. And my vision gets blurry.

"It's working! Turn it higher!" He said and the guy turned another switch.

My head pounded even more than what I felt last time. I couldn't stand it. I fell and grabbed my ears hoping it would stop.

But it just got worse...

All I could think about is how I let my mom down.

How I let my friends down...

How I let Aaron down...

I should've just told him...

He trusted me and I didn't trust him... enough to.. Tell him...


Sylvanna's POV

They took my daughter...

They took all the happiness I had left...

I'm going to get you back Aphmau...

One way..

Or another...

"AARON!" I turned towards him and yelled.

He flinched. Sadness, worry and anger filled his eyes.

He turned back to where he was looking before.

They left with her that way..

"I hope you are thinking what I'm thinking now." He says to me.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" I smirk.

He turns towards me and nods.

Aaron's POV

I had to her her back.

I didn't care who or what she is

She made me who I am now.

She made me a better person.

She made me do what I wanted to do for a long time.

I will always love her... No matter what...

I don't know Aphmau's mother that much but I trust her enough to help me get Aphmau back.

I hop in her car and she starts driving the way they took her.

Aarmau ~ Forbidden Love {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now