Chapter 19 ~ Everyone Has A Secret

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So I dropped out of theater class. I feel horrible...

I feel like a bad friend.

Katelyn counted on me, she was looking forward to doing the play with me...

And I let her down..

Just like I do to everyone..


Aaron's POV

I'm going to do it.

I'm going to tell Lily what I wanted to say to her for a long time. And nothing is going to hold me back.

Not even Lily herself.

I walked up to her. She was with her group of friends that she always hangs out with.

"Oh, hey Aaron! Girls? Can you give us a moment?" Lily asked her group.

They all nodded and walked off.

"What's up?" She smiled and wrapped her arms around me. Her touch doesn't feel the same as it used to. I guess I'm used to Aph's touch that Lily's doesn't feel right anymore.

"I want to tell you something, and you have to listen! Okay?" I said slightly moving her off me.

"W-What is it?" I know that tone. She's trying to act innocent. She's done it many times before.

"I don't think we can--" I get cut off: of course!

"Oh sorry Aaron I have to use the restroom!" She smiles and starts to walk away.

This always happens! Every time I start to talk to her she always has 'something' to do. It's like she knows I'm trying to break up with her. But not this time.

I quickly grab her arm.

"Huh?! A-Aaron! Let go!" She tries to pull away from me.

"Lily please listen," she stops struggling and starts to listen. But disappointment rushes to her face.

"I'm sorry Lily, but this can't go in any longer." Tears start to form in her eyes.

"What do you mean...?" She tilts her head.

"I can't be with you anymore." There was silence for a few seconds.

"It's because of that... girl, isn't it?!" She raises her voice.


"That girl Aphmeow!"

"It's Aphmau," I correct.

"Whatever! But you like her now! Don't you?!" She's yelling now.

"It's none of your business who I like! You never liked me for me. You just liked me because I was popular, and you wanted to use me so you could get popular!" I was now yelling. I Hadn't realize what I said until I saw the look on her face.

"Fine! Like whoever you want! But if you like that Aphmau girl... She's not what she seems," She has a evil smirk on her face. "Everyone has a secret, Aaron. Some will heal you," she pauses. "And some... will end you... It's your choice if your ready to find out the truth,"

I had no idea what she was talking about. A secret? Aphmau wouldn't be keeping secrets from me... would she...?


Aphmau's POV

It's been a few days since my mom has gotten out of the hospital. I was so glad she was okay. I had no idea what I would do without her... but I had to find out more about my real family. But I don't think now' the right time to ask her about it.

"Oh, goodness..." She sighs "I'm so happy to be back in my own home, my own bed! Ahh... this is great!"

She sits down on the couch and pats the spot next to her, gesturing for me to sit next to her.

I accept and walk over to the couch.

"So how was school while I was away?" She asked.

"It was... okay..." I scratch my freed ears.

"Hm? 'Okay'? What does that mean? What happened?" She scooted closer to me.

"Well, I joined theater class..." before I could speak anymore she cut me off.

"What?! Why Mija?! You know your ears and tail can't fit in any of the costumes!!" She panicked.

"No! Mom, I quit though. I knew I couldn't fit into any of the costumes so... I quit.." I admitted.

"Oh, good..."

"But I feel horrible about it..." I put my chin in my hands.

"Why?" My mom reached out and started rubbing my back.

"My friend really wanted me to do the class with her... And I said I would, but, I didn't.. and now I feel bad, I just..!" I sigh " I don't know what to do to make it up to her." I slowly lower my ears and tail.

"Well, if she was your true friend then, she would accept you and understand you can't do the class anymore." She said.

"Your right, I just feel bad, that's all.."

"Well I'm sure you can talk to her tomorrow or when you go back to school Monday. It's Friday! You know what that means...?" She slowly stood up, waiting for me to answer.

I gasp. "Breakfast tacos?!?!"

"Yep!" She jumped up

"Yay!! I missed breakfast tacos so much!! I tried to make them while you were gone but, they weren't the same as yours!" My tail starts to wag. Gosh, I feel like a dog now.

"Exactly! No one can make breakfast tacos like me!" She said, proud of herself.

I nodded in agreement.

"Now come on! I'm going to need help cutting the vegetables!" She started to walk towards the kitchen. I followed. About halfway there she fell. I caught her just before she hit the ground.

"Mom! Are you okay?!" I said, trying to lift her back to her feet.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine Mija. Just... Fine..." she started breathing heavier.

"Are you sure? I'll bring you back to the couch..."

"No! I'm good.." she stood up and walked to the cabinet a pulled out some vegetables. "Now, start cutting! I'll get the meat ready!"


The rest of the night I watched her. Just to make sure she doesn't do anything to hurt herself again.

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