Chapter 15 ~ Someone Just Like You

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Aphmau's POV

I arrived at the park, waiting for Aaron.

Why am I even doing this?! If I get caught by Lilly, she will kill me! She'll expose my secret! I can't do this! I have to go back home!

I stand up and adjust my hood. When I turn around I see Aaron walking up to me.

Oh, no...

"Hey Aph! Long time no see?" He tilts his head. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Oh... Um..." I pause "Just standing up to stretch!"

"Oh, alright... Hey, I need to talk to you for a sec.." He walks over to the bench I was sitting on and sits down. I look around to see if Lilly was anywhere, with my luck she probably is somewhere.

"Yeah, sure..." I look around again, nothing. So I sit next to him.

Why am I doing this?

Go back!

Tell him you have to leave!

You're going to regret this

My brain hisses at me. Ugh...

"So, I know you might not fully trust me, we only fully met each other in a locker room. Right?" He asked.

"Yeah..." I keep skimming the area, just to make sure.

"Are you sure, you're alright? is something bothering you?" He glances up to where I was looking.

"Yeah, sorry I just... My mind is in a million places right now." That was a stupid answer.

But, hey, it wasn't wrong!

"Well, if you want to do this another time--" I cut him off.

"No! No! Keep going! You have my full attention!" I say staring at him.

Okay... That's kinda creepy.... Lay off the staring....

I blink a few times to relax my staring.

"Okay, so I-I..." He sounds nervous to talk.

"Are you okay?" I say mocking his tone from when he asked me.

He sighs, "I just... I just...."

I tilt my head and move closer to him.

"Don't tell her I said this but, you know I've been trying to break up with her, right?" He runs his hand through his black hair.

"Yeah, you told me," I said, remembering the time he told me.

He lifts his arm to rest behind me on the bench.

"And every time I try to tell her she either doesn't believe me or changes the subject," He says.

"And you don't do anything about it? The tough guy that every guy wishes they could be, is scared to stand up to a girl? You're probably being soft about it, and that's probably why she's not taking you seriously. You have to be tough about it!" I said, I honestly don't know where I got that from. I just let my brain do the talking there. Ugh, I hate when my brain takes over (But also glad at the same time).

"Wow, you're right.. I never thought I would get that kind of advice from you... No offense.." He moves his hand up.

"Ha-Ha, none takin'" I roll my eyes. "But, why do you want to break up with her?" Now that I think about it he probably already said the answer back when he told me about this the first time.

"Well, she's just.... To controlling, she tells me what to do like every day, you know.. 'You better stay away from other girls!' But I ignore that, obviously," He laughs, gesturing to me.

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