Episode One Of My Story

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Warning: This story old so... cringe.

This chapter starts in episode 13. 

"What do you think the meaning of life is?" An unknown man with long brown hair, tied in a ponytail suddenly asked the girl as he sat down beside her. 

"Boring." She replied sadly, pity stinging her voice. "Why do humans live when they will die in the end? Why does the earth rotate without a motive?"

"I don't think you have found your motive in life yet." The tall man stated as he took out an unused cigarette and lit it up. 

"My motive? I don't have one because my life is boring." She answered. 

"If you want your life to be more satisfying, more intense, that you perhaps could find meaning in your life. Come with me, how about it?"

The brunette stopped swinging her knee scraped legs and stood from up the bench in pure shock. "What can you do? Where are you going to take me?" She asked, obviously interested.

"Don't worry. It's not too far away. You're going to meet your new job." He smirked, in a weird way that made butterflies swarm in Kirari's stomach. 

"Job? Nah, Jobs are boring." She muttered, not interested and calmly sat back down.

"It's a job that put's your life on the line. One with action and guns!" He exclaimed, adding motion, morphing his fingers into a form of a gun. 

The girl's eyes flashed with a spark of interest. She didn't know what he was thinking or where he was going to take her. In addition, he was merely a stranger. 

'But I think it'll be a little bit better than this hell here.'

"Oh, I just remembered. Well, you see, we got a little problem here..." He began.

Today I secretly skipped school. Well, I always ditched class so it's a very normal thing for me. In fact, I don't even consider it a secret. However, the reason why I skipped school wasn't just to wander around but to meet up with the Boy's Detective Club. The founder, Akechi Kogoro has scouted me as a new member. But there was a small problem, Akechi had said that he couldn't go back to his club right now, which left me confused as heck.

The silver taxi screeched and halted as the driver pulled the break. I glanced out the glass to see a towering and large building. The sun rays hit the long windows and reflected off, which made me squint my eyes in pain. The walls were almost concealed by nothing but windows. A sudden excitement sparked inside of me but then got washed over by a wave of nervousness. I thanked the driver and got out of the silver Mercedes, coughing because of the fumes. I watched as the shiny silvery car drive away and I went back to gawking at the tall building in disbelief. It was huge, I can't believe I'm gonna work in there from now on. I stuffed the address card in my pocket.

I sighed in nervousness, taking out my light purple amulet with the Boy's Detective Club's label printed neatly on its cover and called Akechi. A few moments later, I heard his voice on the other side of the amulet. 

"Oh, you're already there. I already informed them so don't worry." He assured.

"Well if you say so," I said walking into the tall building, pushing the doors aside. "I still don't really get what's with the detective club, I mean it sounds cool. Also, didn't you kinda go on a small hiatus? When you called your peers, what did they say?"

"I quickly informed them and shut them up as they asked me questions on my safety. You can tell them I'm just fine."

"Okay. But what if something happens to you after?" I hesitantly asked worriedly, but I also had a feeling like he was ditching his work.

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