Episode Six Of My Life

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It has been two days since the Killer Child case and no interesting cases. It was usually looking for runaway pets or love affairs. So boring.

" Hanasaaki." Kobayashi muttered. " Hurry up an kill me."

" Don't wanna. I'm too lazy. Ask Kirari, it's easier."

" I doubt she'll want to kill someone." Kobayashi muttered. " And you promised."

" All I want to do is die. All I ever do is wish for death but it never finds me."

" Shut up." I muttered.

Kobayashi glanced over at me.

" Stop saying you want to die." I muttered, avoiding eye contact.

" My wishes doesn't concern you. I can die if I want."

" But you can't." I muttered.

" Exactly. That's the reason."

" Your such an dense idiot. It's too late now. How you say that when you're already involved with so many people. You know, you dying would be leaving us behind." I said, raising my voice.

" Why would I care about the people I leave behind?" Kobayashi asked.

" You wouldn't care, but some of them would." I shouted.

" You would care?" 

" Why should I care about you? Hanasaki would, go ask him."

Kobayashi tched and turned his back at me.  " You're so annoying. Go away."

" No, I can't. I'm bounded by a promise."

" Just break it already." He muttered.

" I can't! I'm not as rude as you. You can wander anywhere you want knowing that you can't die."

" So? What does it have to do with you? You can feel free everyday!" Kobayashi shouted.

I fumed. He's so stubborn.

" You're so annoying. Now that I think about it, I hate you."

Kobayashi's last words smashed my own glass heart. Anger building up, I grabbed my bag and walked calmly out.

" Kirari!" Hanasaki shouted running after me.


Hanasaki's P.O.V

" Kobayashi..." I sighed, slumping on the couch after I gave up chasing after Kirari.

" Girls have sensitive feelings and they tend to cling on grudges more than males do."

" Koba-chin!!!" Noro screeched, as Pippo-chan tried to peck him.

Kobayashi crossed his arms and sat on the floor.

" Koba-chin!!!" Noro shrieked, angrily. " Apologize!!"

" I... I just wanted to see how devoted to my mother she was." Kobayashi muttered.


I got home and slumped on m bed. Kobayashi was really mean, but what could I say? He was selfish. Drunk in wanted to die.

I hugged my stuffed plush. AAAAAAHHHH! I wanted to cry. 

" Kirari?" Mom muttered.

" Huh?"

" Oh, you're back early. I knew that club was no good."

"Glass Heart" | Trickster; Edogawa RanpoWhere stories live. Discover now