Episode Fourteen Of My life

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Noro explained that the sender's location was in a plain house to be exact. The sender must've been some sort of idiot, it was like he didn't even bother hiding his personal information on his contacts. We all hopped into the van and we sneakily parked in front of the house.

The four of us jumped off including Pippo-chan and rang the door bell. We had Kobayashi hide behind the car for now, just in case. There was no answer to the door and I pressed it again.

No answer.

"Maybe they aren't home?" Hanasaki suggested.

"Yeah, probably." Inoue muttered. "That's not good."

"No! That's great!" I exclaimed. "Then we can sneak in!"

"Haha! You always have the weirdest idea." Hanasaki laughed and Inoue agreed. "So can we?"

Inoue face-palmed himself. Handling the four of us was a bit too much.

"That is violating against the laws." Inoue lectured. "Stop with the crazy ideas. We'll come back once whoever's home."

"Ah ah ah!" I interrupted. "It won't be against the law if the owner of the house is actually the sender! If plans to injure anyone he'll be the one in jail! If whoever's in there is the one who actually mailed Kobayashi the threat letters they'll be going to jail, not us. We're just young and curious, but yet intelligent investigators."

"This kid has some sense. As long as we're the good guys, sneaking in won't be a problem for us." Hanasaki noted, giving me a high five.

Kobayashi came out behind the car to argue as well, but didn't really care. He dashed into a window, making the glass sharps fly everywhere.

"After him!" Hanasaki joked.

One by one Hanasaki, Pippo-chan, and I hopped into the house, well I couldn't since I had clutches. It was a average house, there was a lot of furniture so it wasn't spacey. Everywhere was a mess, from papers spread around to the floor to having under wears lying around.

"Some man must live here. No female can be this messy!" Noro shrieked in disgust.

The first place I checked was a desk. It looked like a garbage dump to me. The room was tight so it was hard for me and my clutches to walk around. I opened a cabinet that seemed to be molded shut.

"Look what I found!" Hanasaki shouted towards me.

I ran into the bedroom, where he was. I stumbled back in shock as one part of the wall were posted with pictures of Kobayashi.

"It seems that I have a stalker." Kobayashi muttered.

"Yeah, one that wants to kill you." Hanasaki said, pulling out a knife that was thrown at Kobayashi's photos.

"How does this person know so much about you?" I asked in disbelief.

"There is no doubt that this person is the sender." Noro exclaimed.

"Guys! I found the basement! Maybe he's down there." Inoue shouted from the other side of the house as all four of us rushed over.

The basement was deep, it had a long stair case leading down. Underneath was sheer darkness.

"Kirari, you and Inoue should stay here." Hanasaki said. "Kobayashi, Noro and I will handle this."

"Aww. I was the one who came up with the plan of sneaking in here! Now you're not letting me go to the action!" I pouted, crossed my arms, and stuck my nose in the air.

"Come on! Don't give me that face. Who's the one with the clutches?" Hanasaki smirked.

Seeing Hanasaki's smirk activated mine. I could feel a grin spread on my face.

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