Episode Eight Of My Story

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This chapter starts on episode 21.


Today was another boring day with no case to solve. Kobayashi is laying on the sofa, as usual. Hanasaki was sitting on the glass floor reading a hologram article, Inoue was on the side, reading a green book, Noro was sitting at Akechi's desk, and I was sitting on the one person chair.

Police sirens were sounded outside, I sat up straight. What's going on?

The policemen's busted in the room. They held out of sheet of paper for us to see.

" We're the police." 

Yeah, I figured already. 

" We're going to conduct a search in this office."

Wait what?


The policemen's started digging around the, fridge, wine cabinets, and Akechi's desk. They started grabbing everything they could find and stuff them in boxes.

" Hey! What are you doing?" Hanasaki shouted. " Stop it!"

" Don't!" Inoue said, stopping Hanasaki from walking up to the policemen.

" Why?! You're just gonna let them do this.?!" Hanasaki argued back.

" Hanasaki!" Inoue interrupted.

" Why are they here anyways?" I muttered getting up from my chair, then slumping back in it.

" Can you tell me why you're doing this?" Inoue asked the policemen's.

" To seize any evidence in the murder of Assistant Inspector Miyanishi."

" Miyanishi-san was..." Inoue began.

" Murdered?" Hanasaki finished.

" What?!" I shouted, hopping off the chair.

" By who? Where?" Hanasaki asked anxiously. " How?!"

" He was shot." The policemen said. " By someone you know..."

Who? The Fiend With Twenty Faces?

" Nakamura." The policemen muttered.

N...Nakamura? But.....they were so close!!!! No! This can't be true!!! Why would Nakamura shoot Miyanishi!! I had a sudden flash back of my memories. Miyanishi was such a nice guy. I can remember her winking at me and giving me a thumbs up.

Inoue and Hanasaki slightly trembled. Kobayashi opens his red orbs lazily.

" Nakamura-san... shot Miyanishi-san?" Hanasaki muttered.

" What the hell do you mean?! That doesn't make any sense!" Hanasaki shouted at the policemen's.

" Yeah! Why would Nakamura shoot Miyanishi!!" I shouted along with him.

" I think it means that the women shot and killed him." Kobayashi said bluntly.

" I get that part!" Hanasaki shouted.

" But what does that have to do with our office?" Inoue asked.

" It's suspected that Nakamura was under the control of Twenty Faces." The policemen explained. " Nakamura herself testified. That Twenty Faces might be Akechi Kogorou."

What???!! This is nonsense. Akechi told me that he faced Twenty Faces himself. So what Akechi was said was true? Twenty Faces does have the power to manipulate someone.

" Ake-chin is Twenty Faces?" Noro muttered.

" That's ridiculous!" Inoue shouted.

" Yeah!" Hanasaki agreed. " I saw sen-" 

Hanasaki hesitated for a second. I looked over at Kobayashi and gave a shrug. I only arrived last week, what the hell should I know? Kobayashi returned at shrug at me. What's going on?

" I saw that guy fighting Twenty Faces a bunch of times."

" So there's no way that he can be Twenty Faces!" Hanasaki argued.

" In the first place, Twenty Faces was incarcerated after the Le Waqua incident." Inoue explained. " So how?"

" We determined that he was a fake." The policemen replied.

" Based on what?"

" I'm not like Nakamura. I won't leak information on a investigation to a bunch of kids playing detective." He said, cruelly.

I shot him a deep glare as I got up and walked to the window and clear my mind. But really, I was hiding my tears.


The policemen's had left with all the evidence they could find. Basically, everything!

" Feels a lot cleaner in here." Kobayashi said, breaking the silence.

" Indeed. Who used to live here? Slugs?" I replied, stroking Akechi's office desk.

" Isn't there anything else you two can say?!" Noro shouted.

" How could we let them do this?" Hanasaki tsk-ed.

" Well, when I was little. I've been told that the police where very strong, and to never go against them." I said.

" If we don't do anything..."

Inoue interrupted Hanasaki from talking by slamming his fists on the wheel chair. All 3 of us glanced over.

" Of course it's not okay." Inoue said.

" So, what crazy idea do you have in mind?" I chuckled.


A/N: Sorry this chapter was very short. The next part of the video was a big spoiler so I'm gonna keep my mouth shut. A problem at school was leaving me, a bit sad. But i'm feeling better now. So I'm off to watch Trickster episode 23!!

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