Episode Six Of My Story

318 19 10

This chapter starts on episode 19.


Kobayashi's eyes suddenly lifts up. 

" Kobayashi!" I cried. " Here have some water."

Kobayashi puts his hand on his head. 

" Ow."

" Hey! Are you alright?" I cried.

He doesn't answer me. Instead he continues to wince in pain and knock the bottle of water of the table. The water spills on the ground, but I didn't care.

" Kobayashi. Does your head hurt? Do you have a headache? I can get some medicine!" I asked.

" What is this?" He muttered.

" What is what?" I asked.

" I'm.....remembering thing..." He muttered, as I did a slight gasp.

" Where is everyone else?" Kobayashi asked.

" They're at school. Inoue should be coming back soon." I replied.

Kobayashi slowly gets up and walks to the fridge. 

" Hey wait!" I said running after him.

Kobayashi opened the fridge door. There was nothing inside. Kobayashi then began gasping.

" Hey, what's wrong?" Noro asked as Pippo-chan flew over from the chandelier.

" He's...He's remembering things!"

" Ow!" Kobayashi moaned, putting his hands on his head.

" Kobayashi!" I cried. 

I reached out my hand to touch him. The mist is was still weak. The elevator door slowly opened.

" Hey Koba-chin! Are you okay?" Noro cried.

But kept staring at the elevator.

" Kobayashi!" Hanasaki shouted.

" Hanasaki..." I muttered, slightly irritated. 

" Hey Kirari." He said in a kind of forced cheerful voice.

" So, what are you doing here?" Noro asked.

" Isn't it obvious? He wants to see Kobayashi." I said.

" No, uh. I was just thinking about what I want to do, and..."

" And?" Noro and I said at the same time.

" What came to me was... to visit him." Hanasaki said.

" Oh see? I was right." I chuckled at Noro.

" I see." Noro said.

" I mean, if I hadn't dragged him into it..." 

I looked over at Kobayashi who was looking very drowsy. The elevator slide open again and Inoue came in. He avoided eye contact with Hanasaki. They're still so distant. I guess Inoue still hasn't gotten over his grudge over Hanasaki. And I guess I haven't either. But unlike him, I try not to show it.

" Inoue.. Kobayashi is...." I began.

" He's what?" He snapped.

" Never mind..."

Inoue rolled over to Akechi's desk and began rummaging through it.

" Hey!" Hanasaki began. " Where's sensei?"

" What about sensei?" Inoue asked.

" I was wondering if you'd gotten in touch with him..."

" Why ask that?" Inoue said.

" Why? I..." Hanasaki began.

" Okay, I'll be going." Hanasaki finally said slightly hurt.

" Wait!" I said, getting up. " I'll walk you outside."

I didn't dare look back at Inoue. I don't care if I'm letting go of both sides, it just doesn't seem right. I'm too empathetic. Kobayashi's breathing suddenly got really loud, snatching my attention.

" Kobayashi!" Inoue shouted.

I quickly ran over. " What's wrong?!"

" My head feels all mixed up..."

" Ow." His mist cut my finger again.

" kobayashi...." I began. " What do you remember?


" A Ferris wheel... An amusement park surrounded by a housing complex... A park with an octopus slide... A train with green lines..." Inoue remarked.

Kobyashi gulped down the bottle of water as I sat next to Hanasaki.

" It's probably Akebono Amusement park."

I quickly stood up, eyes glued on that map. 

That's where Kana....was murdered.

" Kirari?" Hanasaki began. " What's wrong?"

" Nothing." I lied shaking my head and sitting down.

I looked over at Kobayashi again. He was still breathing loudly.

" Hey... Kobayashi," Hanasaki began. " What do you want to do?" 

Kobayashi stood up, hands clutching his throbbing hand. He walked away.

" Hey! Where are you going?" Hanasaki yelled.

" That Amusement park."

" You can't go in the condition you're in!" Inoue shouted.

" I'll get rid of this messed-up feeling." Kobayashi shouted.

What...Do I ..want to do? I want to help Kobayashi. Now my head felt messed up!!! Seriously!! I'm so weak... Just make a decision!!!! 

" Wait! Even if you go there..." Inoue began, unwilling to go.

I quickly stood up. 

" If no one's gonna go with him! Then I will." I said angrily. 


Inoue some how changed his mind as is willing to give us a ride. Kobayashi slowly got in and sat down. Hanasaki, was still outside. He was standing in front of the blue car. Inoue wasn't looking at him. Is he going to come in?

Hanasaki looked down gloomily. He then took a small step back. Inoue took a glance at him then closed the door. And just like that, he drove away with no lingering regrets.

" Hey. Open it." Noro said. 

" Hm?"

" I'm telling you to open the window!"

" What is it?" Inoue asked.

" Kira-chin! Open the window!"

" Huh? What? Me?"

" Otherwise, Pippo-chan! A hundred consecutive hits!!!"

Pippo-chan began rapidly pecking the glass window.

" Ahh! Fine! Fine, I'll open it!" I cried, opening the window.

Pippo-chan flew out of the car.

" Wonder what she wanted." I said.

" Beats me." Kobayashi muttered.


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