The Ending Of My Story.

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The chapter starts on episode 24. This is the last episode of the anime.


I stood with a faint smile on me. So filled with jealousy and yet, I didn't feel a thing. Kobayashi's trail of bloody footprints followed him. And I, couldn't take my eyes off him. I know, I am jealous of Hanasaki. But why really? 

Do.... Do I have feelings for Kobayashi? What do I feel about him?


A few seconds later, my amulet began to rang. It was Inoue.

" Hanasaki! Answer me, Hanasaki!" 

I listened closely. 

" Hey, this is Hanasaki. Go ahead." He said, as I sighed in relief.

" You're all right?" Inoue asked, worriedly. " Of all the dumb things to do..."

" We have to win this showdown, right?" Hanasaki said. " No matter what. His game isn't over yet. There's still time."

" Time?" Masaharu said confused.

" The time limit Twenty Faces gave us, was to save sensei before the sun set." Inoue explained.

" Right..." Ohtomo began. " The police went after Twenty Faces themselves, the sun would be gone by the time they showed up."

" I'll put everything to an end." Hanasaki muttered. " I'll beat him, end all this, and start over from nothing. "

" Whoa whoa!" Noro murmured.

" Don't you realize that's a death flag?"

Hanasaki laughed loudly. I glanced over at Kobayashi, who was clutching him amulet tightly.

" Good point." Hanasaki chuckled.

" This in no laughing matter!" Inoue lectured.

" Sorry." Hanasaki chuckled. " But you know... If I go in prepared for that to happen, then maybe I can change a little, right?"

" Hanasaki, you..." Inoue began.

" Okay." He breathed. " I'm going in."

The amulet sounded like if it had hit hard metal. Everything seemed to be blurred. What's going on?

" Inoue! Ohtomo! Can you hear me?" I shouted.

" Huh? Kirari-chan."

" Mamoru!"

" Can you find a way to get me- I mean Kobayashi and I up there?!" 

Kobayashi turned around and looked at me. I averted from his glaze, heating up a bit.

" Send me up, too." Kobayashi said.

" Koba-chin, kira-chin." Noro said.

" Is there a way?" I shouted.

" Send me up there, too!" Kobayashi shouted eagerly.

" Kobayashi..." Inoue began. " But it's too late now."

" That's why... You need to hurry up!" Kobayashi shouted.

" It's never too late!" I shouted at the amulet. " So please..."

Silence broke into the the air.

" Ohtomo, help him." Inoue finally said.

" Huh? Why me?"

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