Episode Two Of My Life

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" Kobayashi"

" Kobayashi." I repeated as I continuously shake him.

Kobayashi's red orbs fluttered open making my heart skip another beat. I seriously wanted to scream my love out for him, but I didn't.

 Kobayashi moaned as he slowly woke up. 

" Thanks." He muttered.

I climbed out of the car and looked up at the light blue sky. The other police cars came and surrounded the area, as told.

" The warehouse looks spooky." I commented.

" Yeah it does. I almost don't want to enter it." Hanasaki agreed.

I gulped and Hanasaki seemed to have noticed my worry.

" Don't worry. I'll be with you there." Hanasaki smiled.

My spirits lifted when Hanasaki said that very sentence. I was about to thank him but Kobayashi, who was passing by, grabbed my sweater and dragged me to the entrance of the scary warehouse. As the dark loomed over me, I wanted to cling on to Kobayashi but I didn't, of course.

" Well we have a problem here." Officer Ichinose said. " The huge doors seemed to be locked in place. Remember, we want to sneak in without alarming it."

" Look over here!" Hanasaki shouted, as he lifted a piece of cloth that was hiding a hole.

There was a small hole in the middle of the wall that seemed to fit the child murderer.

" We'll need someone to crawl through it." Inoue said. " Any volunteers?"

" As much as we'll like to volunteer, none of us can fit through it." Another police officer said.

" Yes," Hanasaki began. " We can't let Kirari do it, since she's a girl. Can you do it Kobayashi?"

" I can't." He muttered. " I'll end up carving an even bigger whole with my mist."

I gulped. 

" Well, we have no other options."

" I'll do it!" I gulped, taking a risk.

" But Kirari. You'll get dirty." Hanasaki said, worriedly.

" That doesn't matter." I said, crouching down.

" Good luck, Mamoru." Inoue said.

" Yeah yeah." I said, nervously.

AAAAAHHHHHH!! I was literally screaming in my head. I don't wanna crawly in the hole. It's so scary. I continues to crawl and to my surprised, it wasn't that far. I stood up and patted my black tights. I glanced around, it was dark but there was light coming from the cracks in the walls and roof. Chills went down my spine. The huge doors were blocked by a long piece of wood board. The wood was huge, twice my size. 

I desperately tried to lift the wood off but it was no use. I examined the warehouse.

" There has to be an axe here or something sharp to break the wood plank." I muttered.

Knocking came from the other side of the door. 

Don't worry, I'll find a way to let you in.

I started digging around the wood barrels. Opening chests, hoping to find some sort of sharp weapon. I looked everywhere. There was nothing. 

" Arrrgh!!" I muttered, exhausted.

I kicked a huge rock and hit the side of the wall. 


" Ow ow ow." I cursed.

" Klunck?" 

I examined the area of the wall the rock smashed against. If you looked closely, there was a faint outline of a door. I pushed against it. I tried again. I rammed against it and the door flew open. I stopped the door before it hit the side of the wall, causing noise. Phew.

I looked ahead of me. There was a long corridor with doors every few steps. It was very dark and gloomy too. AAAHHHH! I don't want to go in there. 

I took out my amulet, no calls. Of course, they don't want to alarm the child killer. I turned on the flashlight and began to walk. Most of the doors were locked so I ignored them. I opened an unlocked door and I saw a dead dog. A disgusted look flashed on my face as I began to close the door.

" Oh wait!" 

I opened the door again. What killed the dog? Could I use the weapon? I walked around the dead dog that emitted a horrible stench. I held my breath and looked around.

I was right! There was a bloody axe. I quickly grabbed it and ran out of the room. I closed the door.

" Rest in peace." I murmured. 

What happened next made my eyes widened. What was there wasn't the child killer, but I realized I've lost the direction I came from. Great, jussssst great..



" Okay, let's eenie meenie miney mo. Right!"

I slowly started heading right but I was really paranoid that I might've been wrong.I knew that Eenie meenie miney mo wasn't very reliable.


Kobayashi's P.O.V

" She's taking a long time." Inoue said.

" Do you think something happened to her?" The police officer said, worried.

" Move it." I said annoyed. " I'm breaking the door down."

" Wait wait!." Hanasaki shouted. " We can't do that. Maybe Kirari's safe and the child killer hasn't gotten to her yet. But if you break the door down, it might put her in even more danger."

" But I promised that I'll protect her." I shouted.

I didn't want her to get injured because of me. If she does Inoue might not trust me that much anymore.

" Well you can't do that now. You'll have to believe in her." Inoue said.


Kirari's P.o.v

I've walked for what seemed like a couple of hours. My body was sore from holding the heavy axe.

I suddenly heard talking, then giggling. I followed the sound. Has Inoue and the police found a way to get in. But I erased the thought when I hear noise coming from a door.

I opened the door slightly to get a view.

" Hee hee hee. Somebody has entered this building to play with me."

I dropped my axe in fear. But I soon regretted it, because then the child killer looked in to my eyes. It's eyes were pitch dark, with no pupil, just black.

" Oh, she's already here."

"Glass Heart" | Trickster; Edogawa RanpoWhere stories live. Discover now