Episode Ten Of My Life

201 16 6

I drew a new digital art piece of my oc ^^^ She now has short hair. :)


I sluggishly turned my head to see who would cause a loud disruption in this afternoon. I lay my ash brown eyes on a fairly pale girl with short bright red hair curled in. She had a over joyed emotion, but what caused me to worry the most was that she was chiming Kobayashi's name.

Kobayashi slowly sat up, his eyes lazed. 

" Huh?" He muttered. " Ake..mi?"

My heart skipped a large beat. Did he know this girl? What is they're relationship. I began to get tense.

" What are you doing here?" Kobayashi questioned, raising up.

" I came to see my boy." She chirped, lightly pinching his cheek.

Hanasaki, Noro and I did a gasp. She could touch him?

" Kobayashi~" Hanasaki pouted. " You never told us you had a girlfriend."

I felt my whole body flinched. I started feeling really anxious and I really didn't want to be in this scenario.

Kobayashi harshly slaps the red haired girl's hand away, resulting her hand to turn red a form a bruise. 

" I was joking." Hanasaki muttered quickly in a quiet voice.

The girl immediately heats up.

" What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were gone." He shouted, raising his voice unusually.

The girl's eyes immediately wandered to the ground. 

" Anyways, today I came on a behalf to join this club." She announced, proudly.

" I must decline your request. We have enough members."

The girl stomped her foot in fury and flashed me a nasty glare. 

" What?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

The girl swiped her index finger at me and shouted, " I can better than this girl can. Why can she join and I can't"

I quickly adjusted my eyes away in embarrassment and shame. I scenario immediately felt awkward and I had a sudden desire to leave. Hanasaki eyes twitched in anger.

" For you to say, this girl was scouted by our leader himself. " Inoue said in a monotone voice. " I don't mean to be rude but I suggest you leave."

The hot-headed red haired girl stuck out her tongue. " I'm not leaving until I'm made a member of the stupid club!" 

" You seem to have no interest of joining, so why do you want to join so badly?" Hanasaki shouted in rage.

" I want to be with Yoshio-kun." She smirked, smugly.

I had not foreseen what was going to happen next. Apparently, Kobayashi was trying to calm his anger while the girl was blabbing nonsense about wanting to join, but he completely snapped when she said she wanted to be with him.

" SHUT THE HELL UP!" He shrieked violently.

He charged himself against her knocking her over with a murderous expression. The girl struggled to get up, but Kobayashi was ready to punch her. 

He...... was..... actually..... going to punch her.

Kobayashi tapped me on the shoulder and I knew exactly knew what to do. I sprang off the couch in no second flat. This was not the way I wanted Kobayashi to act against a girl. I harshly tugged on his hood to pull him away. Slipping my arm under him, I drag him away.

" Let me go!" Kobayashi shouted.

" Calm down." I said in a hushed voice.

"Glass Heart" | Trickster; Edogawa RanpoWhere stories live. Discover now