Episode Five Of My Story

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This chapter starts on episode 18.


Five days later.

The lunch bell loudly rang waking me up from my eternal boredom. 

" Yesss!" I shouted, as everyone gave me a weird look.

I made a deal with Inoue. He said that I have to go to school in the morning and come back when it's lunch. I quickly grabbed my school bag, with my homework inside, sadly. 

" Later, suckers!" I cried as I ran out of the classroom, knocking chairs over. Everyone started at me as if I was some crazy old lady who lost her mind.

I wanted to see Kobayashi this instant! I ran to my locker and changed into my roller skates. I skated over to the office, coolly.I arrived at the tall building. I took the wheels off my skates and put it in my bag, and walked up the stairs. I looked around. Tomohisa was there with another boy.

" Mamoru, you're late." Inoue said.

" Wha..What? I was so fast." I laughed, still panting.

" Mamoru, this is Yamane Takusu. Yamane, this is Mamoru Kirari."

" Hi.' I said, shaking his hand.

" He's been like that for five whole days?" Masaharu said looking at Kobayashi.

" Yeah. He's been out cold the whole time." Noro explained.

" What are you going to do now?" Masaharu asked Inoue.

" Well..."

" What exactly can you do?" Tomohisa asked. " The Boy's Detective Club is bye-bye, so long, farewell, isn't it?" 

" What?" Yamane said shocked. " Really?"

" That really came out out of the blue, huh?" Noro said with a bit of sarcasm. " Even I was shocked."

" Noro." Inoue began.

" I'm not talking to someone who keeps secrets from everyone!" Noro said hotly, as Pippo-chan flew to my shoulder.

" Aw, you made Mako-chan mad" Tomohisa said. 

" What have you been doing, anyways?" Inoue asked Tomohisa.

" Collecting my pay for the seven tools I gave you." 

" Is this really the time to be a cheapskate?" Noro said and I laughed.

" Why don't you just stop adhering to that guy already." Tomohisa said, insulting Akechi

" What?" Inoue began.

" What have I been telling you? I like all of you, but that's the kind of guy he is." He told the truth.

I put my school bag on the table. I wish Kobayashi could stop hogging the couch so I could sit down. But I guess he deserves it.

" Ohtomo!" Masaharu interrupted as Pippo-chan flew to his shoulder.

" I mean how shady can he be?" Tomohisa said.

He talking trash about Akechi. But, I somewhat think he's right. He decided to brush off all the responsibility of this club. I think it's about time I quit this club too. I never had any responsibility so don't lump me in with Akechi.

" Gathering a bunch of young hunks and an owl in a place like this."

" Just you should know." I began. " You're one of those " Young hunks" too."

" Exactly!" Noro exclaimed.

" Don't insult sensei." Inoue said in a serious tone.

" You're just scared of losing your place, aren't you?" 

" Stop it you two!" Masaharu shouted. 

I looked over at Kobayashi. He opened his mouth slightly, the mist came out again.

" Ahhh! Masaharu get back!" I cried, running away from Kobayashi.

The whole entire floor shook. Kobayashi's mist took all the food from the bentos Masaharu brought. And my school bag.

The bag of potato chips I've hidden in my school bag came ripping out and flew in Kobayashi's mouth with all the other food. After the food all went in his mouth the mist disappear. I was trying my best not to cry. He ate my chips.

" Huh?" Yamane oohed.

" Wow." Tomohisa said.

" Looks like Koba-chin's power is adsorbing nutrients in his desperation to live." Noro explained. " Which means Koba-chin really..."

Wants to live... Will Kobayashi really be alright?


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