Episode Nine Of My Story

318 13 13

This chapter starts on episode 22.

This song above makes me think of Kobayashi >3


Kobayashi took a big bite of his bread. We were all at Noro's house. And today was my first time seeing her in person. She was really cute, light strawberry blonde hair and the cheery personality.  We spent most of our time sqealing.

" Miyanishi-chin is dead, and Ake-chin is Twenty Faces..." She began. " This is all so messed up. I can't think straight!"

A couple of days ago, the news reported Kogoro Akechi is Twenty Faces. 

" You two should be thinking, too!" Hanasaki said to Kobayashi, who was still eating and I.

" You expect me to know something she doesn't?" Kobayashi replied.

" Took the words right out of my mouth." I chuckled, Kobayashi taking a small glance at me.

" We don't need your rational self-analysis right now!" Hanasaki shouted.

" For starters, I'll tap the police radio to see if I can find anything." Noro said, putting down her laptop.

As she flipped open her laptop screen, a hologram with a man, wearing a butterfly mask came up. Who is he?

" I am disappointed in you. You fall two, or even three, steps behind, you even have a new member. And now you're loafing around there?"

" Who is he?" I asked Hanasaki, curiously.

" Twenty Faces..." He muttered.

I gasped, quickly catching on, I send the man on the screen a glare. 

" I can't believe I have set everything up for you."

" Noro. Where's the signal coming from?" Inoue asked.

" I'm tracing it now." She answered.

" No need to be in such a rush." Twenty faces said, apathetically. " I won't run or hide. Neither will Akechi-kun."

" You mean..." Noro began, looking up at the hologram.

Akechi and he.....won't run....?

" Where have you taken Akechi-sensei?" Inoue shouted, angrily.

" What a scary face. You want to know that badly?"

" Answer me right now!" Inoue shouted.

" I'm sorry. He's taken off high into the heavens." Twenty faces smiled, pointing up.

Is this a hint........?

" What?!"

" You..." Inoue began.

" Calm down, Inoue!" Hanasaki shouted. " It's your policy not to kill anyone, right?"

Twenty Faces.......doesn't kill anyone?

" Come on, tell us. Where is he?"

" Good deduction, Hanasaki-kun. But it seems you've been negligent in gathering information."

" Huh?"

The hologram immediately turned to the news.

" Miraculously, there were no causalities. The staff who evacuated the escape pod testified that an unidentified object crashed into them, leaving their craft inoperable. "

" Also, the TV station received a message warning of a terrorist attack at the Space Expo. The sender was... The Fiend With Twenty Faces. Twenty faces was arrested and currently in prison, but the police stated that the one in prison may be a fake."

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