Episode Nine Of My Life

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I sighed at my mother's reaction.

" What do you want with me, brat?" Kobayashi snapped.

" See? What did I tell you?" I told my mom. " You can't touch him."

My mother  swiftly pushed me away from Kobayashi and whispered to me,

" Why would you love a boy when you can't even touch him?" Mom whispered.

" But I can." I said stepping up and patting him on the head.

My mother's eyes widen in shock. " Suit yourself."

" Hey Mom. Can you bring my luggage home?"

" Huh. Sure." She replied as she grabbed the luggage from hand. 

" Have fun!" She shouted.

I immediately brightened up. I was so happy and delighted that she's started to like this club. Even if it's just a tiny bit. I was so grateful to have a reliable and supportive mom. 

" Mamoru, when you were gone a list of requests for you were asked. But since you weren't here we gave them all to Hanasaki and Kobayashi. But as a gift we delayed another mission so that  you may be involved." Inoue explained.

" Wow!" I exclaimed. " So what is it?" 

As we all hopped in Inoue's navy blue car, he began explaining to me.

" The daughter of a famous actor was kidnapped a week ago."

" Who's the famous actor?" I questioned in curiosity.

" Saga Masamune." He answered.

" Ah, that guy. And let me guess, he wants us to save his daughter?" I smirked.

" You stand correct." 

" I'm pretty excited. After all those lame requests we'll finally do something worth my while!' Hanasaki wooed.

The blue car parked in front of the office and we all got out and entered the glass building. Later on discussing about the plan. 

I sat on the couch parallel to Inoue, next to Kobayashi. While Hanasaki sat on the side. There were some major problems, for example, what if the daughter was involved in the capture? What if she was the one who planned the whole thing?

" Ugh."

I turned my head slightly to the right. Glancing at Kobayashi who had his hands clutching his head.

" Kobayashi, what's wrong?" I asked, shaking him with my hand on his shoulder.

" Nothing. Tch." He muttered and lay down on the couch, kicking me to move with his legs.

" Anyways," Inoue proceeded. " Let-"

The door suddenly whipped open from downstairs. Loud and quick footsteps stomped up the stairs eagerly. Kobayashi grabbed on to my jacket.

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