The End

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"I want to talk with you." He said as I turned to face him. His red eyes shimmering as I stood in front of the sun.

He look ethereal.

I stared at him in the eyes for a minute, wondering why he would talk to me?

"Sure." I finally said, following him to a secluded place.

There he bowed deeply on the concrete floor. I stared at him in shock and disbelief. What has gotten into his mind? The Kobayashi I knew, wouldn't do anything like this.

"Kobayashi, what are you doing? Get up." I said. "You can't talk to me if you're down there."

But the crazier thing was that he didn't move. I tried grabbed his arm to pull him up but he swiped his arm back from me.

"I'm sorry." He muttered as I felt my heart sink into deep despair. I finally knew why he wanted to speak with me.

I kept silent stared at the dull ground. It hurts, it really does.

"I caused so much trouble for you. My family caused so much trouble for you. My dad nearly killed you, my mother talked nonsense about a promise to you, and I caused the most trouble for you. When you confessed to me, I was really happy. I didn't answer you because I didn't know what love was, I lied. I kept constantly thinking if I deserved you, if you deserved someone like me. I came to the conclusion that I didn't deserve you. Not at all. I don't have the money and all I am is trouble to you."

I knelt down beside Kobayashi. He really has changed a lot. He's grown too, he's taller than me now. I put my hand on Kobayashi's shoulder as a single tear of guilt rolled down his cheek. I didn't know how to convey my feelings into words, so I pulled him into a tight embrace.

"But I want you. I don't care about money. Instead of making excuses not to love me, just listen to your feelings."

"I won't let myself." He sobbed.

"What exactly do you not let yourself do?" I asked, stroking his back.

"My feelings definitely love you. But I don't want to love you. I'm scared I'll just hurt you!"

"You're already hurting me by saying this." I muttered, choking my words.

"Then what should I do? What should I do to not make you suffer anymore?" He shouted.

"I'm not suffering! I only suffer when I see you suffer like this." I shouted, standing up in fury.

"I don't know what to do?" He sighed and stood up afterwards.

"Then do what you want to do." I answered. " The Kobayashi I knew and love was the type of person to not give a damn thing about anything."

His sobs turned into little chuckled that made my heart go crazy.

"What I want to do..." He whispered.

He grabbed my wrist and rammed me against the hard brick wall. I shut my eyes due to the sudden strength of movement. I felt a pair of lips roughly kiss mines. Kobayashi releases me a few seconds later. His face was already red and he was licking his lips.

"There, I did what I wanted to."

I looked at him strangely. "I never suffered because of you." I lied.

"Then, let me love you."

I gave him a smug smile and pinched his cheeks. "Took you long enough."

"Glass Heart" | Trickster; Edogawa RanpoWhere stories live. Discover now