Start Line Of My Life

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My alarm clock rang loudly. Today was finally Saturday, which meant no school school. It was also summer break. Which meant no school for a few months!

I threw my pink alarm clock against the wall, shutting it up. Just two days ago, there was this big fight against Twenty Faces and it had a bitter after taste. I rather not talk about it, but it's stuck in my head. I took off the bandages that were wrapped around my injured arms. I eye-roll at my situation. I threw the quarter bloody bandages into the trash can and re-wrapped my arms in new bandages. I opened my closet door and changed.

I then walked downstairs slowly, trying to make at least noise as possible. It was early morning and it seems that mt stupid alarm clock, that I forgot to turn off didn't wake my mother up.

I glanced inside the fridge, nothing but vegetables and stuff I hate. I closed the fridge door and headed out. I stopped by Starbucks ( Yes, there's Starbucks in Japan) and brought food at minimart.. I ate it inside a taxi as if drove me to the office.

The tall glass office came into sight and I paid the taxi driver. I slammed the car door shut and walked in the office. As usual, it was clean and laughter filled the building. 

I pressed the elevator button and the door immediately slid open. I walk in and pressed the 2nd floor. There were three floors in total. The highest floor is the roof, where Kobayashi sleeps. The elevator dinged, signalling me that I've reached my destination. The door slide open once again.

I walked out, carrying my backpack. I sighed, I was tired and wanted more sleep. 

" Good morning, Kira-chin." Noro greeted. 

" Morning, Kirari! You get enough sleep?" Hanasaki joked.

I nodded. I slouched on the sofa next to Kobayashi and dropped my black backpack on the table.

" So what's today's eager mission? You told me to get here earlier, yesterday so I want a reasonable question." I snapped.

Everyone looked at me, slightly shocked.

" What?" I glared. " What is it?"

" Wow, you're not a morning person are you Kirari?" Hanasaki laughed.

" The police agency have asked our aid for this next mission. I'm pretty sure you've heard of the child killer." Inoue explained.

" Yes." I nodded. 

It was another reason why my mother is so over-protected these days. I've heard the child killer was quite morbid. A child going around severing innocent citizens heads off is quite terrifying.

" Wait. We're not doing something involving it are we?" I quickly asked.

Inoue sadly nodded.  " Yes, the police are finally taking action about the mass murder."

I gulped. What would mom say about this? I think it would be better if I didn't tell her. Yeah, I won't tell her. This case is huge and I don't want to miss it.

" Kirari, I think it's for the best that you lay off a bit." Inoue said.

" What do you mean?!" I said raising an eyebrow and standing up.

" I don't you should go. First of all, you are too young and your previous injures have not yet healed." 

But... But I wanted to be more of use.

" But, I want to come. please." I begged.

" I know that your mother is worried that you'll be endangered. And I can't promise you that you'll be safe." Inoue explained.

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