Episode Seven Of My Life

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Ever since I arrived at my destined location, my mother seemed to be in a happier mood. Probably because the " Dumb club" wasn't near me at all. Or it was because she was once again reunited with my father.

When my father took one glance at me, he knew immediately that I was his little girl. I still remember, the sparkling tears displacing out of his eyes as he ran to embrace me. 

Apparently my father had a really bad common cold from over working and stress pressured on his shoulders. My mother wouldn't even let him out of the house. 

Hokkaido was really hot in the summer. And when I mean really hot, it felt like I was in the middle of the Sahara desert. As I sat on the cool wood floor of my Dad's apartment, sweat dripped on to my forehead. I wiped it with my sleeve. 

The only necessary solution to solve this so called " heat", was to cut my lofty light brown hair.  My mom didn't reconsider, in fact she supported it. On the other hand... My Dad seemed to really oppose it. 

" Nooo! My dear Kirari-chan's hair, DEAD!" He sobbed.

" Shut up!" My mother screeched.

Anyways, I really excited today. My Mom is taking me to Ikebukuro! I heard that there was really good ice cream. 

" Are you ready?" My mother quoted as she humbly walked down the stairs in a modernly fashion.

" Uh huh!" I nodded as I snatched my bubble gum pink backpack.

" Honey! We're leaving! " Mom shouted loudly so that my father could hear from upstairs.

" I wanna come~~!!" He wailed.

My mother swiftly pushed me outside the house and shut the door. 

We called a taxi and rode on the green go train. I was really tense entering the green go train. After all, it was in Kobayashi's past. Then I began panicking, did I make Kobayashi's mother proud? Or did I not? During the whole entire ride, I was deep in thought. I didn't even swim out of it until my mother pat me on my shoulder, signaling that we have arrived.

" Wow!" I exclaimed, with my eyes shimmering in beauty.

My worries immediately swept away with the crowds and excitement. I could feel myself getting warmed up. I was almost swept away by the big crowds, but was saved by my scary mother when she grabbed me on the arm. 

" Let's go in here!" My mother said and dragged me into an accessories shop.

I glanced around the petite shop. They had gorgeous jewelry from head to toe. But the price was over the top. 

" Kirari." My mom said. " Get over here."

I walked over to my mother who seemed to be holding a hair clip. It was beautiful, It had a rose design with glitter and jewels. 

" That would look nice on you." I told her. 

" But why did you call me over?" I sighed.

" For you. This is for you." Placing it on my bandaged hand.

I stepped back in shock. " What? Me?"

" Yup. For cutting your hair."

After my mother paid the exclusive hair clip, I immediately put it on after I stepped out of the shop. This is going great so far! I'm in a good mood, mom seems to be in a good mood. What could go wrong? 

In the corner of my eyes, I spotted a live concert. A group of people were gathered there to listen. I had an urged to go.

" Mom! I'm gonna check over there."

I dashed over to the stage. I accidentally crashed into a teenager. He had piercings all over and looked really pissed off.

" S- Sorry." 

" Apology not accepted." The rude boy said, nearly spitting on my face.

I gave him a death glare, clenching my fist.

" I don't care if you don't accept it. At least I said it. I did something you chumps wouldn't even bother doing, apologizing." I spat.

" What did you say punk!" He roared grabbing my arm. 

I was about to take out my newly cleaned darts I stole from Akechi's drawer but the need wasn't necessary. A man wearing a long black furry coat leaped from the sky and targeted the poor man. 

" Tsk tsk. It's the boyfriend with the nasty girl." He muttered.

Loud clapping and cheers were heard in the direction of the concert I wanted to catch a sight of. I sighed and my Amulet began to rang. It was from my Mother so I quickly answered. 

" Moshi Moshi?" I yelled.

" Kirari! Where are you!" Mom shouted back.  

It was too loud to hear in the crowd so I entered the jewelry shop again.

" I'm back at the shop." I said.

" Okay, I'll come and get you. Don't you dare get out of my sight again!"

Mom ended the call in anger. I checked my call history and I got no calls from Kobayashi or the others. Depressed for some reason, I walked outside the shop and sat on the edge of the window, waiting for my mother. My heart seemed to beat faster the more I imagine Kobayashi. I want him with me right now. I really do. Why do I miss him so much? I'm aware of how having a crush feels like but I didn't realize how much it pained and throbbed.

" Oi."

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