Episode Eleven Of My Life

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Kobayashi pushed me away.

"I know." He muttered.

I suddenly felt an angry glare flashed at me. 

"Why do you look so angry?" I asked her, giving her a glare too.

"Why... Why can you touch him?"

"Why are you so surprised?" I replied sarcastically creating a wall between her and Kobayashi. "You can touch him too."

The girl shot me another glare. How many was it now? 

"If you may take your leave, we are discussing private matter and you're quite interrupting." Inoue said in an angry voice.

"Fine." The girl shouted and stomped out. 

"Okay, let's proceed." Inoue coughed. "Tomorrow we'll be meeting here at 7. Mamoru, I'll be calling your mom about this."

"Oh, okay." I muttered in guilt. I can't believe I caused such a big scene before.

"Kirari! How about I treat you to something." Hanasaki offered.

"Huh? No it's fine." I smiled at his offer.

"There's something I want to ask you." Hanasaki said, and with no choice, dragged me away.

"Hey! I'm hungry too." Kobayashi said.

"Sorry Koba, maybe next time."

"Do you like Kobayashi?" Hanasaki asked smugly as I nearly drop my ice cream cone.

My face started to heat and desperately avoided eye contact.

"Uhh. No."

"Oh come on, don't be shy. I know you like him." He smirked.

"There's no other option but to admit it, isn't there?" I sighed in stess.

"So you do like him!" Hanasaki shouted.

"Shhh. Be quiet. Keep it a secret will you?" 


After waking up early to avoid my mother, I gained another lecture. I was five minutes late to our meeting place, and I'm not even THERE yet!!! 

I pushed through the heavy glass door, yawning. 

"Kirari! You're late!" Hanasaki yelled.

"Sorry Sorry!" 

"Go, go." Hanasaki cheered, as he pushed me towards Inoue's car. 

I got in the back seat with Kobayashi, who was stills sleeping, OF COURSE. Inoue stomped on the gas and we sped. I guess mornings weren't his thing since he seemed really stressed and took really obnoxious turns. I really wanted to hit Inoue since mornings weren't my thing either. And his obnoxious turns made me sliding towards Kobayashi. 

Hanasaki kept glancing back at us and I felt something was totally up. I glanced out the front window, there was another turn. I grabbed on to Inoue's seat in front of me. As Inoue slowly turned the wheel, I grabbed on for dear life. All of a sudden, Hanasaki grabbed the side of the wheel and pulled down. The car crossed through the curb and I flew...... To you know where.

"Hanasaki!!!" I screeched.

"What the hell was that?" Kobayashi muttered, angrily as he batted his long eyelashes.

"Sorry." I said in a small voice. "Blame it on Inoue and Hanasaki."

"Hanasaki! Don't grab the wheel like that! We could've got in to an accident." Inoue lectured as Hanasaki shrugged and smiled smugly at me. I felt my eyes twitch.

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