Episode Three Of My Story

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This chapter starts on episode 16.

Italic means Kirari's flashbacks.


" Bird."

" Sky."

Clear blue sky, looking at it with my best friend, Kana.

" Female." 

My friend. Kana

Fukiya is sure getting on my nerves. All five of us are climbing the stairs, going higher up. Inoue is at the front, and Kobayashi and I are at the back. I don't want to remember anything too. But my imagination was running wild and I just gave up. My head throbbed in pain from my injury and I felt slightly dizzy.

" Not male." Kobayashi answered.

" Tomorrow."


" Don't care." Kobayashi muttered.

" Life."

" Don't need it."

Sigh, Kobayashi really does want to die. Though he can't. I feel sympathy for him. Wanting to do something you absolutely can't do.

" Embrace."


As Fukiya muttered the word out, Kobayashi stopped dead in his tracks. He hadn't replied to his question.

" Em?"

" Kobayashi?" I said looking back.

" Embrace. You know, like a hug." 

" Like I know anything about-"

I could hear Kobayashi's breathing get heavy. Has he never been embraced?

" Kobayashi! Are you-" I tried reaching out, but i was cut by his mist. It fut my finger.

" Ow." 

Inoue was right I guess. I should keep my distance. But... why did I reach out for him?

" More men." Nakamura said.

" Yeah." 

Oh no, they've entered the building. We have to hurry.

" Kobayashi, Fukiya. Hurry up!" 

" Kobayashi, go ahead of us." Inoue ordered.

" Huh?" 

" Go up to the roof with Detective Nakamura and block the entrance."

" Huh?" Kobayashi muttered.

" Hey! He and I are in the middle of a game right now!" Fukiya shouted.

" Huh? What kind of nonsense-" Nakamura began.

" If you won't play my game..." Fukiya stopped and sat down and the stone steps. " I won't walk any further."

" Oh, how stubborn are you!" I cried in frustration. 

" That last word... What came to your mind?" He asked Kobayashi.

" I forgot." Kobayashi answered.

" Hey... Don't you want to know about your past?" Fukiya asked.

" No." Kobayashi replied bluntly.

" Your pupils are contracting. That's a sign in adrenaline."

" Huh?"

I peeked over the stairs. They're getting closer. We don't have much time to waste.

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