Episode Four Of My Story

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The chapter starts on episode 17.


I turn my head slowly at Kobayashi. The shock had nearly stopped my heart. The immortal, suicidal boy...... was bleeding. In other words... on the edge of death.

Kobayashi sluggishly got up in pain, grabbed onto the curtains, tore it and fell. He was bleeding so much, and he looked like he was in endurable pain. My stomach churned seeing him like this. I was frozen in place. What should I do? What could I do? None of us could touch him.

" Ow!!" He screamed like a crying child.

" Kobayashi!" Hanasaki cried.

Hanasaki reached out to touch him, but the mist had repelled him away. As if it was saying, stay away from my child. I clutched my tightening chest.

Kobayashi kept on moaning and clutching where the bullet had hit him. This is not good! I quickly directed my attention to Arisu's mother. 

I then saw the mother run away through the exit on the left.

" Hold it!" Nakamura shouted, running after her.

Almost giving up my hope, I knelt down beside Kobayashi. 

" Kobayashi. I'm sorry." I began as I choked on my tears. " If only I was quicker..."

" Why?" Hanasaki shouted. " Why did you do that?"

" Hana-chin! Calm down!" Noro exclaimed.

" He's bleeding too much. If that keeps up..." Inoue began.

The only option. He'll die....

" I guess this means Kobayashi's wish came true."

" How can you say that right now!" I yelled angrily. " There got to be another way! Are you gonna let a child die here!"

I glanced over at Hanasaki, we had a priceless expression on his face. After all he promised to kill Kobayashi. But I guess he never got the chance..

" No it didn't! It didn't come true!" Hanasaki shouted.

Akechi picked up a pebble and threw it at Kobayashi. The mist rebounded it.

" Looks like his power is weakening." Akechi said.

Weakening? I asked for an answer.I reached out to touch him. He's right, the mist....It's much weaker now.

" He always wanted to die." Akechi said. " But this power of his wouldn't let him."

" You don't mean..." Inoue began.

" Yeah, it's a possibility." 

" What do you mean, a possibility?" Hanasaki asked, confused.

" If his ability to prevent death is a reaction to his desire to die, that would mean Kobayashi doesn't want to die right now." Inoue explained.

" In simple terms." Akechi began. " He wants to live."

" What the hell?" Hanasaki said. " You're always telling me to hurry up and kill you..."

" Well, he must have discovered it fun to be around you." Akechi said.

Tears rolled out of my eyes, and I wiped it with my wrist. I knew a young boy like him would never want to die! 

" That's not fair. The more he wants...wants to..die. He...He..He can't. And the..more..more he wants to live.. the more he can.." I sobbed.

"Glass Heart" | Trickster; Edogawa RanpoWhere stories live. Discover now