Episode Four Of My Life

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I gulped. " Answer it."

Kobayashi clicked answer.

" Hello everyone." A high pitched was ejected from the amulet. " Welcome to my Wonderland, where it's a game of hide and seek. Enjoy!"

Everyone started to panic but I kept myself as calm as possible.

" Kira-chin!" Nor chirped, worriedly. " I should've let Pippo-chan go with you!"

" Noro-chan, it's fine." I smiled, but inside I was breaking. 

My legs were still shaking from the pain and fear. I began to cry.

" Inoooouuuee." I sobbed. " I'm scared. I... I.. I'm sorry, I lied. I didn't tell my mom a-about th..this mission."

Inoue sighed. " Don't worry about that now."

" Mamoru-san." Officer Ichinose began. " I'm sorry, and I know that you're already injured, but we need your help. May you lead the way inside the warehouse?"

My eyes widened. I didn't...... I don't want to go in there again..... Plus I already got lost once.

" Hey, take it easy on her." Hanasaki said.

But..... I still haven't accomplished anything. I still hadn't helped.

I pushed Hanasaki away from me. 

" Fine. I'll lead the way." I said getting up.

" Kobayashi!" Inoue shouted. " You can do what you want now."

Kobayashi swiftly ram himself against the wide metal doors. His mist cut a huge hole through it. Mist and dust flew everywhere and I covered my eyes with my arm.

I toke a deep breath.

" Follow me." I muttered boldly. 


I lead them through the door the child killer had kicked down. Kobayashi was at my side and wouldn't leave me for a minute. I blushed at how protective over me. But I know he really isn't since he only promised.

Since I didn't know where I ran from, we followed my trail of blood. But something was different. Everything I glanced at the walls, there were creepy holes freshly dug into the wall.

I knelt down to examine it. 

" These weren't here before." I said.

" What do you mean? The holes?" Hanasaki asked.

" Yeah. Did the child killer dig them a few minutes ago?"

" Maybe you were go busy being scared and running away from it that" Kobayashi suggested.

" No." I said getting up and continued. " I'm sure it wasn't here before."

" Okay, that's weird. Why would it dig it? What's the purpose?" Hanasaki muttered.

" You actually believe what she said?" Kobayashi muttered.

" You don't?" Hanasaki said.

" I find it hard to believ-"

" AAAAH!" I screamed.

I now know what the holes were for. Such small holes that even most people couldn't fit through. Why didn't I notice that the hole was the same size as the one I crawled through. And the child killer knew, so it made the holes. Just for me.... Just so I could fit through.

The child killer gripped tightly on injured leg. It was planning to pull me through the hole, but I wouldn't let it. I punched it with my fist but it pulled my leg harder and I lost balance.

I could feel my very own brown orbs widen as Kobayashi bends down and swats his hand at the child killer, causing it to bleed and making distance. Kobayashi then rams himself against the wall, breaking it down.  The killer scampered back and Kobayashi cornered him against the wall. The kid began to cry.

I was silent for a minute, staring at Kobayashi and the killer. I gathered my thoughts and rushed back to life.

The police officers quickly surrounded the kid, who was crying loudly.

" Poor child. Seeing his parents being taken away from him." Inoue muttered.

" Mommy Mommy Mommy!" The boy cried.

" What do you mean?" I asked Inoue.

" His parents were taken away from him due to bad parenting." Inoue explained. " He must miss them dearly. I guess trauma happening at such a young age can cause a psychotic episode."

I glance back at the crying child who was desperately trying to not get captured by the huge police officers 2 times bigger than him. He...... He reminded me of Kobayashi and I a bit.

" Move it." I said to the police officers, pushing through them.

" Miss, he's dangerous." The police officers said pulling me back.

I wrapped my arms around the crying child, pulling him close.

" There there, it's fine." I embraced. " Your mommy will come soon.

The child immediately stopped crying and clenched the back of my sweater.

" Mommy...." He muttered, then falling asleep.

I removed my arms from the sleeping boy and handed him over to the police.

" Wow. Thanks." They said in disbelif.


 Soon after the case was closed, we began heading back. Kobayashi was extremely tired and began walking ahead of others.

" Kobayashi!" I shouted, running up.

" What is it?" He muttered.

" Kobayashi! Thank you!" I shouted through the long corridors.

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