Episode Three Of My Life

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Panting, I ran and ran and ran. I never wanted to run this much before. Sweat dripped down my face and flew off. 

The child killer was in that room, talking to a severed head. Blood painted that room red and there was millions of dead corpse pilled in the corner. 

I glance back, the child killer was catching up. Not fair, my body was aching horribly. I screamed as the mass murder took a knife out of it's pocket. 

I desperately pulled the amulet form under my sweater, but I pulled too hard and the string snapped. I watched as my amulet slowly fell and hit the floor. 

I quickly bend down to pick it up but the killer threw the knife and cut the side of my face. I screamed again, blood pouring from my cut cheek. I continued to run, I'm not risking for the amulet. Suddenly my amulet rang and the killer picked it up. That should distracted it, but it didn't. Instead it held on to it and continued to chase after me.

I was worried. So worried that I might've ran the wrong way and hit a dead end. I heard the killer answer the phone call.

" Mamoru. Mamoru." Inoue's voice echoed in the empty corridor. " Are you alright?"

I took the opportunity...... and screamed.


Kobayashi's P.O.V

A few hours later Mamoru has not showed up yet. Everyone was getting anxious especially Hanasaki, who was pacing back and forth.

As I was about to bring up my idea of breaking down the door again, Inoue decided to call her. We all gathered around. The amulet rang.

" The person you are calling is currently not available.

Everyone started to panic, but Inoue called again. And this time she picked up. 

Heavy foot steps were sounded, it didn't sound like hers.

" There's more than two pairs of feet." Hanasaki gasped. 

Somebody was with her. Suddenly she shrieked.

Everyone was fazed. The call ended with a beep and there was silence.

" She's in trouble!" Inoue explained. " Kobayashi..."


I continued to run. Oh, when will I reach the end? I couldn't risk entering a room and being cornered. The child killer took out another knife and aimed it at my leg. I cried in pain, but I still continued to run. 

Soon, I saw the very same door I entered through. I swiftly passed the door and slammed it. But it kicked the door down in no time flat. I bend down to crawl through the hole. 

I saw sunlight and tears streamed down my cheeks in relief.

" Hanasaki! Kobayashi!" I shouted.

The flipped their heads at me in worry. The ran over and helped pull me out.

" What happened Kirari? Why did you scream?" Hanasaki said eagerly.

" It was ins-"

As I was about to answer, pain struck my leg.

" Huh?" Hanasaki muttered.

He couldn't pull me out anymore. 

The child killer had grabbed my leg, scratching it. I screamed, kicking at it. But it dug it's nails in my wound. I screamed in pain. 

Hanasaki gave a hard tug and was able to pull me out. I gripped tightly on his sweater. 

The police surrounded the hole I came from and shot through it.

" Mamoru. What happened?" Kobayashi asked, pointing at my leg.

It had been scratched over and over again. It's nails had dug into my skin, making it bleed.

The police surrounded me and wrapped my injured leg in bandages. I sigh, I really was useless.

I then started explaining how there was a huge wooden plank blocking the door and I went to search for an axe. But I encountered the child killer. I had dropped my amulet and it took it.

Suddenly Kobayashi's amulet rang. I glanced over.

" It's.... It's a call from you..." He muttered, to me.

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