Episode Eight Of My Life

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" Ko-"

I met face to face with my Mother.

" Ko what?" She asked.

" Oka-san." I quickly said, making it up.

" I was really worried, you know. You suddenly disappeared."

" Sorry." I apologized. " I just wanted to take a glance at the concert over there."

" Oh. Do you want ice cream now?" She asked, as I jumped up enthusiastically. 

Why did I mistake my mother for Kobayashi? Was I really in deep thought that I canceled her voice out? Why do I love him so much?


We've been in Hokkaido for a month now and it was time to go back. There was only one more month before school starts. My mother and I got onto the train and sat down.

" Mom. There's someone I like." I bluntly stated. 

I knew that I should never keep a secret from my mother. 

" You what?" She said startled. " Don't tell me it's one of those stupid boys from your 'club'."

" It's not stupid. And he's definitely not stupid!" I defended.

My mother sighed. " Who is he anyways?"

" His name is Kobayashi Yoshio."

" Who?" 

" The boy with white hair." I blushed.

My mother smirked. "  I think I've seen him once. He's quite the cute one with the cool hair too. Is it dyed?"

I shook my head. " He was born with it. Cool right?"

" That's weird. White isn't a normal hair color. Then, what's negative about him?" My mother asked.

" He wants to die." I explained sadly.

" WHAT? Why's that?" My mother snapped.


" You have to be lying to me. What do you mean I can't touch him? A special power my foot."

" I'm not lying." I said. " You can see for yourself. Just be careful or else you'll get cut."

The steam whistle loudly ranged in the air. I glanced out the window, I'e arrived at the destination. Coincidentally, my amulet ranged. I answered.

" Hello?" I muttered.

" Hey Kirari! It's Hanasaki. Guess what, guess what??"

" What?" I chuckled.

" I'm right at the train station with Kobayashi and Inoue. We wanted to see you back!" He laughed.

I turned slightly red. They really did that for me? I felt myself coil up with excitement and gratitude. I might even cry!

" Wow! Thanks so much!" I smiled.

" I'm about to get off now. I'll see you later."

" Okay!" He replied, and ended the call.

" Is that the boy you like?" Mom abruptly asked me.

I suddenly turned completely red. Hanasaki and.... Me? No way! No no!

" He's not!" I shouted hotly. " The boy I like is more independent."

" Well, he doesn't seem to be a bad guy? Is he hot?" 

" You mean Hanasaki? How should I know. You go see for yourself." I muttered.

" Is that him over there?" Mom said in a monotone voice and pointed out the window.

Outside the window was Hanasaki quirky waving at me. I wave back, weirdly. 

" Ooh! Is Hanasaki the brown-haired cutie?" Mom asked, and I nodded.

"  Where's..... Ko-what?"

" Kobayashi. He's over there." I said, pointing over at the vending machine.

The train doors slide opened and my Mom and I got out. I swiftly ran over to my friends.

" Nice to see you back, Mamoru." Inoue greeted.

" Kirari! You got a hair cut!" Hanasaki exclaimed. " It looks nice."

" Nice to meet you, Hanasaki, Inoue." Mom greeted.

" Nice to meet you, Mamoru-san." 

" What's Kobayashi doing?" I asked.

" He's angry at you." Noro chirped.

" For what?" I said, sweating.

" Because apparently he was the only one you didn't tell about your trip." Hanasaki explained.    " It's so cute how he's pouting. Ha ha!"

" I didn't... tell Kobayashi??.."

I suddenly remembered the night he apologized to me..

" OH NO!!" I shouted. 

" I forgot to tell him the night I was about to leave. I was too busy running home! Do you think he's really angry? What should I do?" I muttered.

" Just by him a drink and he'll cheer up." Inoue said sarcastically. 

Hanasaki pushed me in the direction of Kobayashi. 

" Good luck." Noro whispered. 

" Hey Kobayashi." I muttered. " I got you a souvenir."

I handed him a random bag of chip in suitcase and handed it to him. Him immediately brightened up and I smiled. I felt really guilty 

" Kobayashi. I'm sorry that I forgot to tell you." I brightened. 

He then looked me in the eye. " It's okay. It's just that I got really guilty that you weren't here the next day. I thought you quit the club because of me."

I felt my heart exploded. My face turned bright red and I quickly avoided eye contact from him. 

" It's not like I cared or anything. If you were gone who would payed for my dinner?" He said nonchalantly. 

" Really?" I muttered, but I knew he was somewhat lying.

I knew he enjoyed me paying for his meals. But I also knew he enjoyed my company. Rudely and abruptly my mother stepped in and tried to touch him. She was immediately repelled by his force.

" What the heck is he?"

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