Chapter 27

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"Holly shit..." a person mumbled as they shined a light in my eyes.

I looked up, blood dripping from my mouth down to my chin as I squinted from the light. The dead body lay in my lap as I shield my eyes from the brightness.

"S-Sam?" They finally understood that they were blinding me and shut off the light which turned out to be a flashlight from a phone.

I looked at the person but couldn't see their face from the shadow that came from the ally.

I wiped off the blood as quick as I could the stood up, stepping over the body to see who it was.

There was a girl. And a boy. They looked familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Who are you?.." I asked them slowly.

"What have you become?..." the girl looked at me in horror but another thing showed in her eyes. I think it was.... surprise or... happiness? But why? They just saw me practically rip open a young woman.

"Who are you? and how do you know my name?" I asked a bit more confidant.

"Come with us." the guy said. He was... He kinda looked a bit like me but of course in a guy form.

"Not until you tell me who the hell you guys are." I demanded.

"Do you recognize us?" I was about to say no when the light shawn perfectly for me to see EXACTLY who they were.

"Stef? Arron?" they nodded and I gasped. "you just saw.... oh shit..." I clamped my hand over my mouth.

"I don't think I really want to know what you were just doing.." Arron mumbled a little dumbfounded.

"I will explain everything at the house. Please follow." I looked left and right to see of there was many people and thanked the heavens that there wasnt.

"Take my hand." I reached my right hand back and they both took a hold.

"Ok hold on tight." they nodded squeezing my hand, giving it more pressure.

"Here we go.." I mumbled and used my speed to go to the house.

We were there in seconds and my siblings were astounded by what just happened.

"I'll explain in the house." I told them looked both left and right to see if there was any people as I ushered them inside.

"Sam?! don't tell me you're bringing your kill inside now!" Louis shouted at me as I shut the door.

"Louis shut the hell up for two minutes will you! I am not going to kill them!" I shouted back because we is probably in the kitchen or up stairs somewhere.

"Kill us?!" Stef exclaimed starting at me in shock.

"Don't worry I am not going to kill you." I have her a reassuring smile and held her shoulder for a moment.

"Harry!" I shouted and he came down with both babies in his hands and bottles. I am guessing he hasn't gotten a chance to feed them yet.

"Yeah babe?" he smiled at me handing me Destiny and giving me a kiss in the cheek.

I brought him near the kitchen while my brother and sister stayed near the door.

"Ok well I brought my brother and sister here and-" I started to whisper to him but he cut me off.

" You have a brother and a sister?! why didn't you tell me?" he harshly whispered to me.

"Shut up Harry, it's not like I haven't kept things from you before!" I whispered at him harshly.

"Ok fine, carry on." he sighed.

"Ok as I was saying, I was wondering if.... you know what I don't even know why I called you down here. " I laughed a bit and he shook his head probably thinking that I'm whacked.

"Ok so any way, Stef, Aaron, please take a seat." I guess tired to the couch. The walked over and made them selves comfortable as I thought over in my head how I am going to explain to them what I am.

"Ok so you want an explanation for what you saw today... " I mumbled taking a seat in the other couch and leaned over then pressed my folded hands to my mouth.

"Yes it would be nice to know." Aaron sarcastically answered. I fought my urge to glare at him then started to speak.

"Well.... there is no was to make this sound happy or nice so-" I quickly sat up and put my arms on either side of me, hands facing up and arms up at shoulder length then continued, "-I'm a vampire." I pursing my mouth then dropped my hands in my lap.

"A what?" Stef asked.

"A vampire." I repeated once more.

"Vampires aren't real. Are you ok Sam? Do you need help?" my sister asked concerned. I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth and looked at the ceiling, when doing so then piped out my fangs in from if them. They gasped and I looked straight once more then squeezed my eyes shut for a split second before opening them again to know they were now red.

My brother Aaron's eyes were wide in shock and my sister Stef covered her mouth not believing what she just saw.

"Y-y-your a-a m-m-m-onster."

Secerets turn into Suprises *sequal to girlfriend with secrets*Where stories live. Discover now