Chapter 29

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Mandy and I, along with Harry and Niall, much to my dismay, walked up to the Tower.

"So how are we going to do this?" I asked Mandy who was carrying Avery.

"I say we just kill who ever gets in our way." Mandy shrugged.

"Mandy no. We have to have a plan." I told her.

"Well I have nothing. Harry?" Mandy and I looked at him and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Ok well I'll lead and we will just go in and do what is necessary." The both agreed and followed me up to the gate.

The guards stopped up and glared at us.

"Who are you and what is your-" one of the guards started but I cut him off.

"Holly shit, can you shut your mouth and let us through?! We have an emergency and it can not wait." I snapped at him.


"We have no bloody time of this. Either let is through or you won't see tomorrow." I raised my knife.

They glared at me.

"Sorry but it's our job. Now names." the same guard asked once again and I growled then sliced both their heads off and continue walking past the gates. No one said any thing as we went in the building and up into the elevator.

We stepped out once the ride was done and stocked up to the room.

"Yes?" the secretary asked not looking at us but down at a stack of papers instead.

"We need a doctor ASAP." she looked up at Mandy and I then looked at Harry and her fangs came out.

"I think I'll have the boy..." She licked her upper lip as she starred at my boyfriend.

"Over my dead body." I growled and her as she stood.

"You're already dead sweetie." she gave me a bitter sweet smile.

" Do you really want too push me?" I growled at her as my fangs came out and eyes turned red.

"If it means I can have his sweet blood." I ran over to her and sliced her head off.

"DOCTOR!" I yelled in an angry tone and a doctor came running in.

"Whats the problem?" he asked frantic.

"My friend, she needs a doctor." Mandy handed him Avery and he speed walked into a room with us behind him.

"Whats wrong with her?" He asked looking at us.

"Well she made this potion to make her human and it worked but then when she fell asleep she didn't wake up." I informed him.

He put her in a bed and he nodded and lifted up her shirt, exposing her stomach. He then placed his hands on either side of her torso, nodding every so often before moving them some where else in her stomach.

"Well I know whats wrong with her." he said pulling her shirt down and facing us.

"And..." I told him to continue.

"You see the mixture that she made had a substance that is corrupting her insides." just then Niall started to cry harder then he already was.

"So she's dying?" I asked quietly.

"Precisely. The mixture is melting away her organs." I widened my eyes just imaging whats happening inside of her.

"Is there any way to fix her?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes, but there is a catch to this medication." I nodded. "before she takes this, a vampire must bit her but that isn't all. When the pill takes affect over her she will start to become transparent and like a ghost."

"Will she become a ghost?"

"Not exactly. You see, this pill will make her transparent and she will be able to walk through things but she will still have the diet of a vampire." he explained.

"What? So she will be see through, walked through things like a ghost but can only drink blood?" Mandy asked confused.

"Not drink; inhale. What happens is that you take blood and put it into this tube and when it comes out the other end it will be almost like a red mist. From there your friend will breath in and inhale the blood." I furrowed my eye brows in confusion.

"Will it leave any stench?" I asked.

" Just a small bit. It will leave a small smell of blood around but if you use air freshener it is sure to be gone." I nodded.

"Will we be able to touch her?" Niall sniffled. I looked at him and saw a boy with blotchy red skin, blood shot eyes and tears running down his face.

"No. You will be able to see her but you will not be able to touch her." Niall started to cry more and I leaned over to hug him. He clutched my shirt and cried into my shoulder.

"Is there any way she should be solid again?" I asked holding Niall.

"I'm sure there is but we have not found out how yet. If you go to the wizard-"

"She was just there. That's her father and she made this mixture in his lab." I explained.

"-well then it shouldn't be a very hard task. Like I was saying, if you go see him he will provide you with a potion that is sure to work. I heard that he has done it before." the doctor continued.

"But you just said that you haven't found out how yet?" Mandy asked confused.

"No, I said we, meaning doctors, but it has been invented." I seriously wanted to punch this man. He was so confusing.

"So can we have the pills?" I asked.

"Yes. It will only take a few moments." he then walked out.

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