Chapter 26

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I then got a surge of anger though him and sliced an 'x' on his shirt before he started to fight me again.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I grunted as I lunged and he blocked my sword.

"To fight the people who killed my Master!" he answered backing up a bit.

"Well your looking at her." I started at his cold dark eyes for a split second before I looked back at our weapons.

Damian was my first high school boyfriend and at the time he wasn't a vampire. I didn't even know he became one but then again after our break up I wanted to part of him.

"You killed him?" he grunted as he started to back me up a bit.

"He was about to kill my boyfriend!" I said backing him up and pressed him up against the wall that was beside the sort way of the kitchen.

"Oh so you finally found some one to put up with your bitch of an attitude? " he raised en eyebrow at me as I held my blade to his neck.

"Yes actually and we are very happy." I gave him a rude smile.

"Well congrats now can you let me go?"

I shook my head and push the blade all the way and cut his neck right in half.

I watched him fall and watched him turned to dust then looked at everyone, ignoring the major sharp pain in my left leg.

I looked to see Liam finished off the second last vampire until I saw harry about to be killed by a vampire.

I then used my speed to come up behind them and plunge my sword into his chest. I tore it out and watched him fall and Harry take a deep breath from the blade being pressed against his throat.

I looked back down and snapped his neck then sliced it off. I don't know why I did all three instead of just slicing his head off but I think it was because he was about to kill the love of my life.

That. Does not fly with me.

We them heard a girly scream come from upstairs and I told the boys to stay there and that I would go and see.

I came into the babies room and heard them cry. I then looked to see a vamp have Eleanor's neck against a blade ready to kill her and Zayn busy try to kill another vamp.

I casually walked up behind the one who was about to kill Eleanor and sliced his head clean off his shoulders.

Eleanor took a deep breath and held her throat panting.

I then went over Zayn with a smirk.

"Need some help?" I looked over at him.

"Nope." he said popping the 'p' and finished him off with a nice clean swipe at his neck making the vampire turn to dust.

"Nice!" I have him a high five them went over to my babies.

"Harry!" I called and Harry ran up worried.


"Take Destiny." I handed him our daughter and I held baby Josh, holding him against my shoulder and bounced a bit to sooth him.

"Shhhh baby shhhhh." I cooed to him. After I bounced a bit and walked around the house and he soon fell asleep.

I took him back into his room wear Harry was singing to baby Destiny.

I laid Josh in his stomach and pulled his small blue blanket on him.

I looked to see Eleanor watching us in awe.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You guys are so adorable.."

"Thanks." I smiled at her sweetly.

"I wish me and Louis looked like that.."

"What do you mean? Is he not nice to you?" I asked after tucking josh in and walk to her.

"Well yes but he was been so.... moody lately and all he will tell me is that she's a monster... what ever that means.." she mumbled.

"He's.... talking about me." I said looking down.

"Why? you saved my life.. twice, thank you by the way."

"No problem . Wouldn't want Louis hating me any more then he already does." She furrowed her eye brows at me.

"Why does he hate you? You are really nice well from what I know."

"Well you see it's a long story, but Louis hates who I am and what I have become. Yeah, lets put it that way, any way it's complicated maybe he could explain it to you but it's a long story and an ending which might not want you to be near me any more." I explained to her.

"Ok." she said understanding. I smiled at her and then spoke to Harry.

"Harry I'll be back. I am getting a bit....hungry." He looked up at me with a sad expression knowing what I'm about to do and nodded.

"Ok.." he mumbled. I went over to give him a short kiss then I left.

I walked down the side walk following a woman. She was a bit tall in her heels.

I could feel her pulse as I walked a few feet behind her. The sound of the beating of her heart made me hungrier.

I ran into an ally and pulled her in, covering her mouth so she wouldn't scream. I bit her neck hard, and sucked her dry. As I sucked her neck someone shined a light in my eyes.

"Holly shit..."

Secerets turn into Suprises *sequal to girlfriend with secrets*Where stories live. Discover now