thirty-eight: hour

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| michael’s pov |

“I’ll miss you so much, Michael.”

For the past hour, her voicemail’s been on repeat. 

I didn’t know what else to do but listen to her. I wanted to believe Ashton, I really did, but I was scared that I’d hope for too much, only to be let down once more.

“I’ll miss you too, so much,” I murmured, knowing she won’t hear it.

I let my head hit the wall; maybe this way, I’d be able to know what I should do. What if it was a sick joke?

What if it wasn’t?

No, he just wanted to get Belle off his tail. That’s why he was telling me all that. Ashton was lying; he was trying to help me make her forget him.

He might have even forced her to agree to go on a date with me, since he made her come here for that purpose. 

I was technically assuming things, but there just had to be no way she’d like me. I might be head over heels in love with her, but she… she couldn’t be the same.

It doesn’t happen. 

It’s a dream come true– and everyone knows that dreams never come true.

But… but if I do go, what if I find out that she actually does like me? 

I could feel myself blushing, and it was only a thought. Scenarios flooded my head, and it was hard to not smile from thinking of these kinds of things. 

It was perfect– so perfect.

My phone vibrated, stopping me from thinking any further. I took it from the table on my side.

Maybe it was Belle. I hope it was Belle.

Unfortunately for me, it was a message from Ashton.

“You have an hour.”

I shook my head. I’m not going. I’m not going to hurt myself any further.

“I think you deserve to be complimented; you’re an amazing guy.”

“And I, Belle, will be one of the first people to let you know that.”

Oh, fuck it. 

I’m going.

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