Chapter 3

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I stirred awake and heard knocking at my door. I looked down, seeing that I was still in my ninja attire from last night.

I didn't care about my appearance right now.

I answered the door and it was Kakashi.

"I wanted to check in on you and we need to go make a report to Lord Hokage," He said.

I nodded and stepped out, shutting the door behind me.

I followed Kakashi to Dad's office, but I was looking down the whole time. Seeing Itachi only surfaced emotions that I kept locked away for years. I knew it wasn't healthy that I pushed them away, but it was the only thing I could do.

I hated Itachi even more. Words couldn't describe the hate I had for him.

Back then, I swore I'd avenge Shisui and now, I think I'm going to do that again. I know his little brother already wanted to kill him, but I wanted my two cents too.

My eyes started to grow misty, but I quickly wiped them away before anyone could notice. 

Kakashi knocked on Dad's door and we heard his raspy voice telling us to come in. He looked worried since he was always able to tell when something was bothering me.

"How did the mission go?" He asks.

"We found out who was lurking around," I answered. "It was Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki,"

Dad looked surprised. "Itachi?"

"Yes," Kakashi said.

"Did he say why he was there?" Dad asked.

We both shook our heads.

"We noticed someone was following us, so we split up to throw them off guard," Kakashi explained. "I didn't find anything for a while, but then I found Itachi. He didn't say much and attempted to put me under his genjutsu, but then he got distracted,"

"And I ended up running into Kisame. He knew I was following him and we started fighting, but Itachi stopped it. I demanded answers about...Shisui and he didn't give them to me," I added.

I started clenching my fists.

"I thought I landed a hit on that bastard, but his eyes caught me under a genjutsu," I looked down. "And he made me see everything I didn't want to remember..."

Dad was looking at me with sympathy and Kakashi just concluded our report by telling him how he had to save me and had to fight Kisame for a bit. Itachi apparently stood back and watched. 

"I will alert the ANBU," Dad looked at me specifically. "Do not make any impulsive decisions. I know you. You tend to let your emotions cloud your judgment and I can't have you endangering yourselves,"

I was about to reply, but Dad cut me off.

"Especially when you and Asuma are the only children I have left..."

"Dad, I thought you knew that I'm still set on avenging Shisui's death. I can't let Itachi get away with it and you should also know that when my mind is made up, there's no changing it,"

"Of course I know that," He sighed. 

Dad had an unreadable expression on his face.

"So what should we do, Lord Hokage?" Kakashi asked.

"There's nothing we can do if they got away. Just keep this under wraps because we all know what will happen if the word were to get out about Itachi being here," He replied. 

We all knew what he meant. He meant that Sasuke would go after him and all hell would break loose since a lot of people in the village hate him. 

"You two are dismissed for the day. Go to the hospital and get any injuries treated and get some rest."

Kakashi and I got checked out at the hospital, but then parted ways after.

I was stressed.

I had too many emotions stirring up and I didn't know what to do.

I decided to walk home, but I couldn't help but feel as if I was being followed again. 

I could've been paranoid, but considering what just happened, I had every reason to be.

I started speed walking home while glancing side to side. I turned my head again, then suddenly collided with someone. I just about screamed, but then I realized it was just Kakashi again.

"K-Kakashi?" I stuttered, recovering from my heart attack.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

"Yeah," I let out a sigh. "I'm just uh...stressed is all,"

He bent over to pick up the book he dropped from the ground and gave me a look. He was basically telling me that he knew something was up, but he wasn't going to push the subject any further.

Plus, I think he figured what I was feeling since we ran into Itachi.

"Here, I'll walk you home if that'll make you feel better."

We walked in silence and he was reading his book, as usual.

Once we got to my house, he waved his hand when he turned around to leave.

"Thank you!" I called after him and walked inside. 

Maybe I was just paranoid. 

Or maybe I wasn't.

Maybe he found me again.

I really hoped that wasn't the case. I'd hate to have another "blast from the past."

Once I got inside, the emotions finally exploded. My vision grew blurry with tears as I remembered all of my memories with Shisui that I was forced to see. I broke down, collapsing to the floor.

Why did Itachi have to do this to me? Why did Shisui have to be taken away from me when I needed him the most? 

Shisui's last words haunted my brain.

"Don't worry about me, Kasumi. I'll be okay. Just go home and rest."

I continued to cry, but now my sorrow was starting to be replaced with anger.

I sniffled and wiped my tears away. 

I had to get my revenge against Itachi. I hate him even more for what he did to Shisui. 

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now