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We stopped. I shifted, but I forgot  to grab my clothes, my wolf was fighting to run before...Cole, thankfully, gave me his shirt which was big and went to my mid-thigh.

"You want to talk about it?" he asked me.

I paced around in his shirt, quickly sniffing his sent on his shirt; it quickly calmed me down. I walk toward him, sitting on his lap. I leaned my head on his chest, his arms wrapped his arms around me... it was comfortable, I could fall asleep...but I had to tell him the truth...about my past.

"I better tell you about my past..." I said, breaking the silence. "My old pack was the Black Knight pack..." I begin telling him everything, when I got to the part about the beatings and the bulling, he tensed up. But when I started telling him about the rejection, he was still tensed but sort of relaxed...like relieved. There was a pause of silence, I ended it with, "I don't know if you know this...but when I met you, I was going through hell, with the rejection and trying to fit in...the felling of him constantly having sex. I was thinking about suicide. But you saved me, my life. Knowing that someone that knew nothing about my past or me, someone who didn't treat me different. You gave me hope." I whispered out, barely audible.

"I love you, Aubrey" he said.

"I want you to mark me, I love you, too. But I'm afraid you'll find your mate." I said. Listening to his heart, I could hear it skip a beat.

"You don't have to worry about that Aubrey..." he said, his voice was soft, it reminded me when a murder mystery movie, when a cop comes up to a door to tell you bed news about someone's death.

"Why? You reject her did you?"

"No I'd never do that. When a Elder is born, they are born with out a mate, they are still associated with the Moon Goddess, but they get to choose their mate, anyone." he paused a second."I choose you, Aubrey. Will you Aubrey Black Rose, be my mate, as I mark you?" He asked.

I was almost speechless, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am Aubrey. I would die, if I saw you in another man's arms. You are my one and only. The only one I want. You are the longest relationship I've had, and the moment I met you, I fell in love with you. I barley keep my eye's off of you for an hour, let alone my whole life. I want to show what is mine, and that is you."

"Yes. I want you to marked by you!" I accepted.

He brought me to his lips, kissing me roughly, but sweetly. I moaned in to the kiss; I felt him smirk. I felt my hands rub down his abs, going back up to his chest, to his face, to the strands of his hair, pulling at it. He lick my lips doe entrance, I accepted it, at the first touch of his tongue on my lips, he thrust his tongue in my mouth, our tongues meeting each other abs fighting for a breath.

I gasped when his hands reached my bottom; he started kissing my jaw line, to the place where he would mark me, he lifted my shirt, still kissing it. He licked it, bending his head down, extending his canine teeth, reaching to my neck.

I felt a pinch of the mark, then instant pleasure. When he pulled apart I whimpered, but then I felt this sharp pain in my back, it started at my spine, then spread to my whole back to my neck, like a wild fire. I felt my body arched, and my body cracking; I let out a deaf defying scream, that could even  a deaf kid could hear. I heatd Cole telling Alex and them to come but not the whole pack, in the mind link. Cole slowly, but painfully he lay me on the cool mossy floor, of the forest.

Blue. "This isn't her mate link breaking."

Alex then asked, "How do you know?"

"Mate link breaking doesn't lat this long, the most, on record, that they have lasted are three hours, longer than that the mate can die...instantly after three hours, their wolf dies, and they slowly start dieing...This has been lasting for four hours." Blue informed, sounding like one of those scary scientist from movies like Jurassic Park or zombie movies, not like those nice scientists like, Bil Nye the Science Guy.

Four hours! This is how long the pain has been lasting! I saw white dots, they started fading the same time th pain faded. I could finally blink, I moved my hand, removing the tears. I heard something flap behind me. Like a bird.

I heard gasps.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Be right there!" Blue yelled, running into the house like a mad man.

"Me, Too!" Cole yelled, probably. going in to get some clothes.

I turned around in to the forest, trying to calm down, I turn back to see Blue holding a gigantic mirror, and Cole holding my girl things, my black dress I wore for Elder Ceremony. And a pair of Bootie shorts.

"Why do you have a mirror?" I asked Blue turning to him, "And the hell did you pick out my fancy dancy dress and shorts?"

"Just, put these on, and look at you self," he said, as he blocked the boys, of my naked body..

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