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Alex's POV

I was helping Eric with the rouge population, as much as I wanted him dead, for what he did to Aubrey...She's like a the little sister I've always wanted.

I want down stairs to grab a quick snack and come back. But I was stopped by a delicious scent, smelt like cinnamon, wild flowers, and a little something else...like power? I wanted to find my mate, my wolf yelling and scratching for me to hurry, but Eric called me to come to his office, for another strategy idea, I had to go, before U can have a mate safe, I have to have this place safe.

Mysterious Girl

I was washing the clothes,  I was forced to, I was the pack slave and Omega. I was lucky to be alive, shouldn't I be grateful for that? Maybe I did deserve this. I was folding up another load of clothing, they just keep on coming. All of a sudden a delicious, mouth watering, knee weaking, smell came. It smelt like roses and wild cherries. You could probably find the combination of the smell, but you couldn't get the affect.  I took it in deeper, never wanting it to go, but to soon it left. I was disappointed,  I tried to smell it again but it was gone. The Luna came in, she was terrible I don't. see how their moon goddess picked her, she was ungrateful, she reminded. of a bad taste in your mouth.

“What are you smelling at, ugly?” she asked me, and smirked at her comment.

“Luna, I think, I smelt my mate.” I truthfully told her. She lets out a loud chuckle



“Why would anyone want to be your mate? Your fat, ugly, ungrateful. And let’s not forget about you whoring around with every guy in her!” She yelled at me. I whimpered, she was right. Why would anyone wanted to me mated by me, I was everything she said I was except the part about whoring around… Poor Alpha Eric. I was the bad taste left in your mouth, I hope I didn’t do that to my mate. I sat on the floor and burst in to tears.

“Bitch, will you make me my lunch, or do I have to?” she yelled, I whimpered at her voice. She picked me by my hair, and dragged me by my hair, she threw me against the cabinets. I felt something warm drip to my face, I toke my hand. Blood.

Before I could get hurt any more, I started making her a salad, she said she was on a diet. I heard someone growl. I looked behind me, it was my number one bully here, Cason. He grabbed me by the wrist, and forced me against the wall. I whimpered. All of a sudden their was a loud growl, it was a girl.

“Get off of her Cason!” she yelled.

“And who’s going to make me? Were just going to have some…fun” he said, I whimpered at the way he used the word fun. Out of now where, Cason is ribbed off of me, which I’m grateful for. She punched him in the face multiple times. And kicked him in the…Let’s just say, the family jewels. I fell down the wall, I burst into tears. I put my hands over my eyes. I heard shoes come up to me, and arms wrapped around me. I then her six inch heels walking on the floors, “Bitch where is my food!” Jasmine yells out.

“Here, Luna.” I said politely.

I hand her the salad, she looked mad, “Is there wrong Luna?” I asked her.

“Yes, you ugly bitch!” you put ranch on my salad! Do you know that ranch is high in fat!” she yelled in my face she punched me in the face, making my lips split and my cheek bleed from inside. She dumped the salad on me, making the ranch drip on the little bits of clothes I have.

Their was a loud growl, then the smell hit me again, making me knees weak. I looked where the growl came from and the scent. Mate.

“GET AWAY FROM MY MATE!” he growled, he was so handsome, his high cheek bone, his blue eyes, his black hair. He radiated power, like a heater, HE’S AN ALPHA! Another wave of his scent, and it almost brought me to my knees. H rushed to my aid, his hand touched my cheek, “How are you doing beautiful?” he asked me I felt heat rise to my cheek, I turn my head, to hid the blush. Bt he didn’t like that he growled, which scared me, “Don’t you every hid your face from me. Understood.” he asks, I nod my head, too afraid to speak. He grabbed the bowl, putting it in the sink. I looked at the Luna, her mouth opened like a fish. I was scarred, what was she going to do next. To my mate or me.

He picked me up, bridal style, like Luna and Alpha Eric would do to her, than bring in to his room, to make love. My eyes widen I’m not ready yet. He doesn’t even know me. Before I could protest, we were in his room. He left to go to the bathroom, turning on the shower. He stripped me down, carrying me to the shower and putting me down.

“I’m going to go to my sister, Aubrey, to get you some clothes…You’ll like her.” he said, he was about to close the door when he asked, “What’s your name Kitten?”

Should I tell him the truth, if I told him the truth would that make him reject me, probably, “Haley Mane” I lied about my last name.

“Haley! I’m Alex.” He said, shutting the door…

A/N: Violet eyes is an actual eye color you can get, it’s called the Alexandra genetic. You are born with blue eyes, but in a couple weeks sometimes months turn in to violet eyes. The effects of this genetic is really cool. You got no hair anywhere, but not counting the hair on your head. You got no menstrual cycle, but you are still fertile.



Alex’s POV

Haley, she’s so beautiful. The cutest red curls, violet eyes, and plump red lips. But I felt as if she didn’t trust me, she even lied to me about her name. I let out a huff, will she ever trust me ever? Only time can tell. my wolf said. Yeah your right, but for now I need help from Aubrey. I told him. She’ll be lots of help. He said back. I’m so glad you agree. I said back.

I saw Aubrey, I ran to her. “Aubrey!” I yelled, catching up to her. She turned to me, she gave me a cute smile when she saw me.

“Aubrey! I met my mate…” I told her, She brightened up, but with a sad smile, “congrats, where is she?” she asked, looking around me.

“She’s taking a bath…” I told her.

“Oh…I understand” she elbows me and wiggles her eyebrows.

“NO! she…she’s just cleaning up, and I need you to take her shopping, she’s has have a hard life.” I told her, “They treated her just like they did to you.” Suddenly the images of her getting abused flipped through my mind, like a child's flip book each one more painful and with each one it made me want to find everybody, who ever hurt her, and throw them against a wall, tie them up, and torture them.

"Alex!" I heared Aubrey yell out. I looked at her, "We're going to the mall now, and by the time we get there, they better not be all black, or you are going to be walking home." I nodded my head, SHe tugged on my ear, "OWWWWW".

Once we got in the car I explained everything, and when we get back there is going to be hell to pay. 





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