Cahpter 5

124 6 1

Candys pov

We arrived at the skating rink and we all rented shoes. Jenna dragged Cameron to Starbucks and they said they would join us latter. So me and Matt started skating or attempting to skate. I was pretty good as in I did not fall. Matt fell like once and then I started laughing.

"It's not funny"

"Sorry but it really just is"

"You are so rude"

"No I'm really nice"

"No your mean"

"Yea your right"

"So tell me about yourself candy"

"What do you wanna know"

"What do you look for in a guy"

"To be honest i don't know if I like you I like you. I mean they just have to be themselves because it's like if their not themselves and I end up liking them I don't like them I like the person they are pretending to be because I don't get to know the real them you get what I mean"

"Kind of. Do you like Hayes at all"

"I mean not really but it's because I nearly know him but I would give him a chance. Now let me ask you a question"

"Go ahead"

"Who do you like"

"Well it's weird I'm not sure if I like her I have mixed up feelings"

"Well if your ever planing on telling her you like her tell her when you are sure of how you fell because you don't want to confuse her"

"Sure will"

"Well our time is over and Jenna and Cameron still ain't here"

Just then we see candy and Cameron

"Okay now we can all skate" Jenna said

"Sorry to burst your bubble buddy but me and matts time is over"

Me and Matt left and went to Starbucks because why not.

"Your total will be $12.50"

"I got this" Matt said

"Uh no I don't need nobody paying for me" I said as I took out $12.25 "there you can put in 25 cents" he took out 25 cents and gave it to the cachier.

"Next time I'm paying"

"I'll think about it"

At the hotel

Matt's pov

We got back from iceskating.We where all in my room me, nash, cameron, jenna ,candy, hayes, and carter. hayes was talking to me adout the girl he was dating blah blah . everyone else was talking about food.

Cameron's pov

We where talking adout going to taco bell so we told candy and Matt if they whanted to go "sounds good im hungry" said matt "okay" said candy when we where at taco bell we dumped into an old friend of mine. her name was sandy i hade to admitt i used to have a crush on her, and the fact of being able to see her again was... just... i walked twords her and gave ger a hug "hey long time no see" i said "yawp" she said "well u look beutifull"i said She responded whit a "thanks" i walked over to jenna she looked really jelouse "so who is that" she said "just an old friend" i said i wrapped my arms around her and told her not to worry that I only liked her

Jenna's pov

I saw cameron flirting whit a girl i got really jelous. i calmed down we he put his arm around me. we all sat down to eat our tacos when we where done we whent out for frozen yougurt. cameron draged me out of the store he said he wanted to tell me something si we whent outside.



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