Chapter 19

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Jennas pov⭐

I got a call from nash saing that cameron was in the hospital. It was just 8:00 in the morning i fell asleep wearing shorts. Sice it was raining outside i just put some sweats on i took a quick shower because nash told me it wasnt an emergency i was still woried so when i was ready i rushed to the hospital whit sandy matt and candy. i asked for the room. wen we found the room i whent straight to cameron.

"What hapened?" i asked

"I cut my foot on a tin can"

"Are you ok?"

"Yea im fine they said i can leave tommorow i just cant walk on this foot for a while"

"Oh at lest your ok" i said

Candy, matt and evryone eles where adout to leave nash told me ro go whit them. i dint whant to but he said cam was leaving in the morning so i lwft whit them. i whent to sleep and woke up the nwxt morning. i tokm a shower and got ready i was the last one to wake up. Evryone was alredy ready. wen i was done getting ready candy told me cam was already in his room. I went to the room he said he couldnt walk on his foot for a while. he had to use crutches i fellt bad but cameron told me not worrie evryone whanted to do something and candy hade a briliant idea (sarcasum).

Candys pov⭐

Evrone was bored and whanted to do something so i toled them we should go to chuky cheese nodody whanted to go only me.

"Fine be bored ima go by myself then"

"Ill go whit u bae" said matt

"Enyone eles"i said

Next thing u now evryone besided they whanted to go to carter was excited. He said he liked the pizza there. wen we arrived at chuky chesse we got two tables since we dint fit we sat in two diffrent tables. (you now how the tables are like right next to each other but theres like a wall there like u could still see the pepole next to u but you arnt like right next to them. we sat like that) carter whent to go order the pizzas i got the tokens. i asked carter how many pizzas he order for us.

"I got 10"

"Isnt that alot"

"No because 2 make one of the ones of dominos, because these are flat"

"So its like you only orderd give"


While we waited for the pizza we went to the games i was hiding from matt because he wanted to take away the tikets i won

Matts pov⭐

Candy was hiding from me and i couldnt find her. I asked jenna where candy might Be. She dint even have to think about it "did u check the play ground up there" she said i whent to the little kid play ground that hangs up from the celing. she wasnt there so i was gonna go down the slide and she was righr there hiding. we got down and went to our table. the puzza was already there. We where the first ones there so we sat on the tadle that was on the left side she sat infront of me they only brought one pizza bock. we started eating then carter came then evryone was there we already finished the first bock thwn the brought the rest. i was surprised that there was no pizza left. We all went to play games the i heard a girl say "omg its matthew" i love my fans and evrything but i dint whant candy to get mad. she came over to me and said "if u whant u can go say hi to your fans theyr not all the same u now. besides all u have to do is not kiss back" they came over to me and we took pictures. then they went over to cameron because he was hurt they wouldnt leave him alone. i could see jenna got annoyed because they wouldnt let her talk to him. they keept saying me and candy made a good cuple but they wherent fans of cameron and jenna.


Sorry i keep updating late but oh well lol good night hahah its already 2:12 i just looked at the clock bye🌙

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