Chapter 7

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Candys pov

Jenna and Cameron where having their date so everyone else decided we should eat something everyone wanted to go to I hop but Me and Matt were not that hungry so we decided to go to Starbucks. We orders our drinks then sat down.

"Ahh I can't wait till tomorrow" I said

"Yea me to and you need to start going to bed early"

"Ugh why"

"Because a 5 year old needs at least 9 hours of sleep"

"I'm 13(I fell weird putting 13 especially since I'm 15 now but I feel like it would be to much work changing every time that said 13 to 15) gee I'm just 3 years younger then you"

"Your still pretty young"

"Yea I know"

We where just sitting there talking when a random guy came up to us for no ape rent reason at all.

"Um I'm sorry to bother you but I just couldn't help but stare at your beautiful face"

"Uhh sorry I have a boyfriend" I lied

"Who this guy"

"Um" ah dang it candy what now

"Yea I'm her boyfriend and I would appreciate it if you could stop hitting on my girlfriend"

"Prove it"

"Um we have nothing to prove to you lets go Matt" I said pulling him out of Starbucks.

"Does that like always happen to you when your in public"

"Nope first time actually thanks for going along with the whole boyfriend thing though"

"No problem"

"So Matt you got your eye on anyone"


"Who if I may know"

"You will find out one day"


"I would ask you but your always saying you don't like anyone"

"Well I may have lied I have my eye on someone but don't tell anyone I like someone because then they wont leave me alone UNTILL they know who it is"

"Can I know who it is"

"You will find out one day" I said mocking him

"I hate you"

"No you don't you love me"

"Ha ha sure"

"Say it" I said as I quickly took his phone out of his hand

"Give it back"

"Not UNTILL you say I love you candy"

"I love you candy"


"I love you candy"

"Here you go"

"Agh your so fucking annoying" well that stung

"Sorry I didn't know I was annoying you I won't bother you"

"No candy I didn't mean it like that"

"Nah I get it"

"I'm sorry are you mad"

"No I'm not mad it's fine lets just get back to the hotel Jenna and Cameron should be back by now"

"Candy I'm sorry"

"I already told you it's whatever" I said walking inside the hotel up to Nash and Cameron's room where all the guys where at and Jenna

We all left to Dave and busters I was alone at a claw machine trying to get a stuffed animal then I felt someone put their arms around me causing me to turn around and back away from his grip when I realized it was Matt.

"Are you ignoring me because your mad at me"

"I'm not mad at you" and I, not lying I wasn't mad at him anymore

"Then why won't you talk to me"

"Because I don't want to annoy you"

"You are mad"

"I already told you Matthew I'm not fucking mad okay... I just don't want to fell like I'm annoying you"

"You are not"

"Didn't seem like that earlier but whatever I get it"

"Candy you were not annoying me okay I'm sorry I said that I love you please stop being mad at me"

"Matt I'm not mad okay I was just kinda hurt I know it's stupid but you kinda sorta hurt my feelings so."

"I'm sorry"

"It's fine don't worry about it okay" I said hugging him

"Okay let's go"q


Ha-Ha typos ugh😔


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