Jungkook (BTS) Part 2

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Ah so I posted these somewhere else and my friend wanted me to write a part two to this one and the Yugyeom imagine. So that will happen next. Anyways this is a continuation of the first imagine so I hope you enjoy this. (Over 2000 words)

"I don't understand how you are so lucky. Please rub some of your luck off on me please." Avia whined. "Ooh can I come too!? Ask them!" She started to jump up and down. I laughed and sent a text asking if my friend could come with me as well.

"Come on let's go grab something to eat before the concert starts." I pulled her with me and a notification popped up on my phone. "Also yes you can come." She squealed. "Shut up." She laughed and hugged me as we continued to walk over to the food area of the convention center.

"WOO GET IT JHOPE!" Avia screamed from my side. I laughed as I sang along with Blood Sweat and Tears. "YES YES YES BOYS. I LOVE YOU!" I hit her lightly as the song ended.

"You're such a dork." She stuck her tongue out at me and tried to grab one of their's attention. I think she was waving but it looked more like she was having a full body seizure.

"Hi everyone!" Namjoon voice boomed over the mic sending many girls into full blown fangirl mode. "I'm Rap Monster." He smiled and drank from his water.

"Hello I am Jin." He did his flying kiss to the audience.

"Hello I'm Suga." He did a little finger salute and smiled.

"I'm your hope. Your angel. I'm Jhope." All of the fangirls screamed, including Avia.

"HE'S SO CUTE." Avia yelled. I simply laughed, she's so cute.

"Hi I'm Jimin." He held up a peace sign to his face and giggled. Adorable.

"WHAT'S UP EVERYBODY?!" Taehyung yelled over the mic. "YOU ALL HAVING A GOOD TIME?" He asked. There was a chorus of yes and screams and he smiled. "I'm V." He said cutely, a complete contrast from his previous voice. I laughed and squealed a little.

"Hey guys. I'm Jungkook." He said. He looked around and made eye contact with me and then a squirming Avia. He waved at us and I heard girls behind us yelling that Jungkook waved at them. I laughed knowing that he waved at us and felt a warming sensation in my stomach.

"That was amazing! I don't even listen to most of those people but it was great. Also Woozi is so tiny and cute but like also god damn." I rambled to Avia as we walked out of the concert hall.

"Honestly though. The Seventeen members are all so attractive like that's a group of visuals." Avia swooned. I laughed and hooked her arm with mine.

A text popped up on my phone.

Kookie: Hey did you like the show?
⭐️: Ya it was awesome!
Kookie: are you still up for coming backstage?
⭐️: uh how are we gonna get back there?
Kookie: right. I'll send someone to grab you guys. Just stay by the exit of the concert hall

I showed Avia the text and she pulled me over to the exit and started to jump around again. "I'm so excited. I'm gonna embarrass myself so hard it's gonna be great." I rolled my eyes as a security guard came closer to us.

"Are you Y/n?" I nodded my head, "okay follow me. I don't know how you managed this but let's go." I smiled a little at the guy and he chuckled slightly.

We quickly made our way backstage and managed to run into a couple other idol groups. We ducked our heads and smiled but we didn't stop to say hi. Soon enough we were ushered into a small room and were greeted by 7 sweaty boys.

"Oh my god this is actually happening." Avia mumbled next to me, "I think I'm gonna faint." I hit her lightly.

"Why are you so damn dram- oh shit you weren't kidding!" Avia fell against me and lucky enough I caught her with the help of Hoseok. "Jesus Christ what do I do! Her mom will kill me if she finds out." I started to fan her face as some of the other boys helped me. Someone quickly came over and checked her pulse. I assumed they were a nurse of sorts so I trusted her.

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