Jhope (BTS)

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It's been a while since I've done a bts imagine. So yeah, let's do that. I love bts as do many other people. (the picture is the thumbnail i used on amino)


I sigh as I shut the door of my apartment. Yet another failed attempt at moving on and yet another terrible blind date. I throw my bag on the ground and land on the couch with a groan, letting all my frustrations fall into the cushions. I kick my shoes off, not caring where they go as I hear them land with a bang on the floor. I pulled a throw blanket off the back of the couch and decided to take a nap, all the emotions suddenly feeling like a heavy weight on my head.

As I fall into a peaceful sleep, the silence of the apartment is broken by a loud knock on the door. I groan, throwing the blanket to the side, and stumble to the door to be greeted by a face I no longer wanted to see. I couldn't bare to look him in the eyes, the minute I did all this work I did to get over him would prove useless. 

"Y/n... please just listen to me." I laughed, shaking my head.

"It always starts like this. I listen to you and soon enough we are on top of each other and I end up getting hurt." Hoseok grabbed my arms and I looked at the ground, "Hoseok, I can't keep doing this to myself. You know that."

"But Y/n I love you." I felt the tears start falling down my cheeks as I tried to keep my resolve. "Please, I need you. I don't know what to do with myself without you there."

I shook my head, "You can't give me what I need Hoseok. We fight about it all the time. You know I can't deal with not being able to see you ever and having to hide from the fans." He put a hand on my cheek and tried to get me to look at him.

"Please don't do this to me. I know it isn't fair but if we can get through this we can be happy. Together." I finally broke and looked at him, seeing all the hurt I had caused him. I felt myself pulling us deeper into my apartment, the door slowly closing behind him. "I'll talk to my manager. I'll find a way to change how everything has been happening. I can't stand the idea of losing you again." I nodded, tears now streaming down my face. He swiped them away with his thumbs, leaving soft kisses where the tears had fallen.

I pushed him away a little and stared into his eyes, "This is the last time. If you hurt me again, I won't come back to you no matter what." He nodded and pulled me closer.

"If I hurt you again, I'll have to deal with that punishment. It's not fair to you." I nodded as he pulled me into a kiss that slowly evolved into something much more, landing us twisted together in my bed. The air filled with promises of happiness and hope for the future.



Hoseok, you know this won't end well. The fans aren't ready to see you guys in relationships." Hoseok sighed, shaking his head. He had been thinking of how to convince his manager all week after get Y/n back. He had been discussing this issue for about an hour with his manager at this point, and both of them were growing tired. However Hoseok was much more determined to win him over.

"I know that they'll be upset but I can't bare to lose her again." His manager sighed but gave him the okay anyways. He knew that if he didn't it would majorly effect his performance and fans would pick up on that quickly. Hoseok quickly bowed and ran out of the room, quickly figuring out a way to go about telling the fans.

He started typing up a post on his phone, making sure to reread as to not say something wrong or reveal too much. He grinned as he hit send on the post and then went to tell his members.

It wasn't until after talking to them that he realized fans already knew your address.


Pulling my hair into a high ponytail, I made my way into the kitchen. The scent of coffee filled the apartment when I noticed flashing outside my apartment. I quietly walked to my door and looked out the peephole to see a huge group of teen girls outside my home, some with cameras and some with banners saying a multitude of horrible things about a girl I quickly assumed to be me.

I quickly riffledd through my thoughts, thinking of anything that could make sense of this. When I remember that I saw a flash a couple days ago when Hoseok entered the apartment. At the time I thought nothing of it but it must have been a fan. A stalkerish fan but a fan either way. 

I groaned and made sure the door was locked securely before going to the windows and making sure all the curtains were shut. I locked the windows and pulled out my phone, checking out what I could find surround Hoseok and a mystery girl.

"He did what!?" I yelled, definitely signalling the fans to scream and start banging on my door. I huffed as I read the post he created and posted to twitter and the fancafe. It was cute but why didn't he say anything to me about this? I could've prepared myself better. I quickly sent a text to Hoseok when I heard another influx of screaming girls, some male voices and the twisting at a doorknob. I quickly hid behind the couch and stared at the door, waiting for someone to run in.

"J-hope! What is this? Who is she?" I heard fans screaming and realized that it was likely that Hoseok was trying to get in the house. I slowly approached the door and checked the peephole just to be sure. When I saw a flustered Hoseok on the other side, I slowly opened the door, making sure to stay out of view of the cameras.

"I'm so sorry." He yelled as he fell into the apartment, shutting the door right behind him. I stared at him, blank faced, as I waited for him to explain. "I should've been here before I sent it but I was just so excited that they gave me the okay that I posted it as soon as I finished writing it. And then I realized they knew where you lived and rushed over here to make sure you were okay and thank god you are okay. Were you scared? No one hurt you, right?"

"Hoseok, breathe." He took in a deep breathe and sighed as he let it out, hand stroking my hair. I placed my hand on his and smiled, "I'm fine. I just found out they were there, I haven't left the house yet today." He took my hand and intertwined our fingers, gently running his thumb on the back of my hand.

"You're not mad I didn't tell you before hand, right?" He grinned as he looked out the peephole.

"Maybe just a little." He pouted and dragged me over to the couch, pulling me into his lap, "You could've at least warned me!"

"But that's no fun. And takes extra time." I poked his cheek and sighed. "I love you." He smiled, poking at my nose with a chuckle.

"You're alright I suppose." He tried pushing me off his lap so I wrapped my arms around him and kiss his nose, "Fine I love you too, you big dork."

"Good because this is gonna be hectic for both of us." He pressed his lips to mine in a short, sweet kiss and hugged me closer, "I'm sleepy. There's guards outside so we're fine. Take a nap with me." He yawned. I stood up and led him to the bed, letting him get comfy before I sat next to him. "Come here." He mumbled, opening his arms, allowing me to snuggle into his embrace.

"You're so cute when you're sleepy."

"I'm adorable all the time." He pouted and shushed me before quickly falling asleep, his quiet breaths lulling me to sleep as well. 


Welp I can't do anything not fluffy apparently. Oh well, hope you liked this anyways. Haven't posted in a bit but that happens a lot with me. Okay byee

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