Dowoon (Day6)

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I wanted to post this now so I'm gonna post this now. enjoy ^^


I sighed as I parked on the side of the street, watching the people pass each other, to focused on their phones or their destination to look at each other. I love living in the city but sometimes it just seems like such a cold environment. I look at the clock in my car and figured it was time to head in to work.

It was always weird being one of the few people with a car in the city, but I liked it. I lived outside the city so it made sense, well it did to me. It also meant for less awkward human interaction. Which was also a huge bonus.

I walked into the small coffee shop, owned by my best friend Lee, and greeted him quietly as I made my way to the back to drop off my bag and slip on my apron.

"Already starting your day of people watching?" He asked as I made my way behind the counter.

"Yep. I'm always watching." He laughed as the first couple of customers made their way into the shop. Some of the sat down, and some were waiting for others to show up. There was a couple sat in the corner holding hands, clearly spending some much needed time together. Lee went to take care of the people sitting down while I took care of the 3 people in line, people who didn't have the time to sit down and enjoy their morning.

It was a pretty simple job. Not too many people came to the shop and even less stayed for a long period of time. But I loved the smell of the shop and it brought me to a tranquil place of mind. It made it super easy to study, read, and write.


It was nearing closing time when someone shuffled in the door. I was reading my new book so Lee took care of them. I took a moment to examine the new customer. He looked very... defeated. He look a bit disheveled and like he had been crying for the past hour. I made eye contact with Lee and he nodded, assuring me that it was okay to do what I felt would be... helpful.

Lee handed the young guy his drink and sandwich. He mumbled out a thank you and shuffled to the corner of the room. I shut my book and headed to Lee. "I'm gonna talk to him, don't be weird." He rolled his eyes as I quietly made my way to the boy. "Hello."

He looked up, clearly startled by me presence and I laughed. "Uh, hi?"

I sat down across from him and smiled, "Do you want to talk about what's wrong?" He looked confused so I continued, "I'm usually pretty good at sensing when somethings wrong with someone and they need to talk about it. Or when they're in need of an outsider's perspective."

He looked hesitant but shrugged, probably thinking that anything can help. "It's just... my girlfri- ex girlfriend, I guess, was cheating on me." I nodded, knowing that wasn't the only thing. "And she did it with one of my best friends. And I just. I thought I loved her and that she loved me." He sniffled, "I just can't believe they would do this to me. And he always gets the girl I want! How is that even fair? He's so bad to all of the girls, why does he always win?" Lee tossed a couple napkins on the table, which he promptly blew his nose into.



"Dowoon. Listen to me. I'll be honest with you, it really sucks that this happened. It's a terrible thing and it should upset you." He nodded with a pout, "But look on the bright side! Two birds, one stone my friend!"

"What do you mean?"

"You just got rid of two terrible people in your life! They don't care about you, so why should you bother caring about them? And now your open for new friends and a new girlfriend. Who will definitely be better than your cheating ex."

He laughed weakly, "That's really nice of you to say..."

"Cheer up Dowoon. You'll get over this hill and come out a better person in the end, ready for the new people and opportunities in your life." He sighed, everything I was saying flying right over his head. "You really cared about these people, huh?"

"Yeah..." He broke apart his sandwich, avoiding eye contact.

"So it's hard for you to hate them for this." He nodded. "I get that. I mean everyone responds to these types of situations differently. Just... don't let them back in. It seems like a reoccurring issue resulting in you always getting hurt in the end."

"Thank you. For caring." I smiled and got up, letting him settle with his thoughts.

"It's fun watching you trying to therapist someone." Lee smiled, wiping down the counters.

"It's hardly that. I just don't like seeing people so in their heads. It's helpful to get outsider opinions, even if I just seem nosy." I checked my phone to see it was time for me to leave, "I'll see you later. I've got a test tomorrow so I can't stay any longer."

"Later loser." I stuck my tongue out and grabbed my books, walking out the door, "Good luck on your test!"

I sighed when I sat in my car, looking in the shop to see Dowoon give me a thumbs up. I waved to him and pulled into the street.


"Y/n! There's someone who's been asking to see you for like the past week!" Lee pulled my arm as I threw my apron over my head. When we got behind the counter, I was greeted by a familiar face. "Dowoon?" It was about a month after I talked to him but he looked a lot happier this time. Lee shoved me out from behind to counter with a grin.

"Uh, hi." We sat in the same booth from before and I smiled.

"Sorry I haven't been around. I had a lot of assignments all at once that I wanted to finish, so I took the week off."

"That's fine. I just wanted to say thank you." Lee set down his drink and quickly walked away.

"It wasn't anything major. I just told you what you needed to hear."

"No if you hadn't said anything I would have let it happen again. They both tried to apologize to me and I just sent them away. So thank you for giving me that courage." I shook my head with a smile.

"It's fine. You seem like a good guy, I did what I thought was right." He nodded. "Is that it?"

"Actually, I was wondering if you would let me take you out to eat sometime... As a repayment!" He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "I'm just really grateful and you seem nice. It would be cool to get to know you better." He was looking everywhere but my face at this point and I laughed.

"Sure, why not?" I slid my phone across the table, "Text yourself." He looked up, sort of looking surprised. He typed a message quickly and handed back my phone.

"Uh, I just realized that I don't know your name..."

"It's Y/n." I smiled. "Lee looks like he's gonna hit me if I don't get to work now. Text me later about where you wanna go!" He nodded and I went back to work, serving customers much happier than usual.


see ya later guys 

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