Day6 One Shot

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The lyrics I used are translated just so you know, I was going to put the hangul but then it would lose its effect for most people (Including myself lol) Enjoy (Was for a contest) 

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I let out a deep breath into the cold night air, staring as the air turned into a white smoke in front of me. Even though it's the beginning of spring, the nights are still freezing. Yet, I sit outside and stare up at the sky. Any worries from the day escape into the stars, letting my mind wander and dream.

"You look lonely," I glance to my side and see that I'm no longer the only person who has found their way to this rooftop tonight, "Can I join you?"

"I'm not lonely," I say and look back up at the stars, "But go ahead."

He sits down next to me but was still a comfortable distance from me and I noticed he had a guitar with him. "I see I've piqued your interest." I quickly realize I've been staring at him and shyly look over at the surrounding buildings. "Want me to play something for you?"

"Depends, do you suck?" I smile to myself, still unable to meet his eyes out of embarrassment from before.

"I sure hope I don't. I'm in a band anyways." He laughs and it makes my heart feel warm, something I haven't felt in awhile.

"I'll listen." I say quietly. He props the guitar up into a comfortable position and starts to play a song that sounded faintly familiar.

"I'm okay today," I feel myself start to sway to the music, completely captivated by his voice. The stars seem to enjoy the music to, shining brighter than ever before as he continued to sing. "I'm alone, under the moonlight."

I look back up to the sky and stare at the moon. It was only a small crescent tonight but it still lit up the sky with such a beautiful glow. "I'm alone, only the cold night air is by my side." I hugged myself tightly, suddenly aware of the dropping temperature, and tried to warm myself up a little.

He stopping playing and looked at me, "What did you think?"

I smiled, "I loved it." He frowned and pointed at my face, "What?"

"If you loved it, why are you crying?" I brought a hand up to my cheek and felt the tears that had been falling down my face. I quickly tried wiping away the tears but they just kept falling and I suddenly realized how shaky my breathing had become.

"Actually, I-I am lonely." I spoke through my tears, trying my best to speak clearly but ended up stumbling over my words. "I sit here every night and stare up at the sky, looking for answers to my problems. I say I love the stars but I hate the night sky that has no answer."

He nodded, handing me a tissue to wipe away my tears. "I understand. It's hard being alone and trying to get through life. We all just want someone who will tell us to have a good day in the morning. Someone who will tell us that we did a good job after a long day.and just hold us tight." He watched me carefully but still kept his distance from me.

I nodded, "That's exactly how I feel. How did you know?" I said, my voice returning to normal but still had some unevenness to it.

He smiled at me, a knowing look in his eye. "Let's just say that I'm sure the person you're looking for is looking at the same night sky as you and feeling the same way." It felt like he was speaking in code and it just left me confused, like he knew something I didn't.

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking at him for some type of answer.

He shrugged, "Look up at the sky." I tried to question him more but he wouldn't say anything to me. So I looked back up just as a cold breeze flew by. When I looked back to my side, there was no trace of the man that was once sat beside me.

Instead in his place was my phone, my headphones still plugged in and the music from before playing. I picked up the phone and looked at the song that had just finished, letting it replay. "All Alone, Day6. You guys know just how to make a person cry." I sighed, wiping away any stray tears left from before. Picking myself up, I made my way off the roof and went back to my apartment. I made sure to keep my movements quiet so I didn't disturb any of my neighbors and make them wonder where I've been.

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I was sat in a café, a muffin to my left and my laptop open to my essay. For some reason I started thinking about that night, when that guy came to me in my trance. It's been almost two years since that happened and I still don't quite understand what it meant. I didn't think anything of it at the time, I figured I was just extremely tired.

But every time it comes to mind, I get this weird feeling in my chest. It's as if my body is begging me to analyze it differently. I started thinking about the night again, trying to think of it in a different and the feeling in my chest quickly intensified. But this time, the feeling was different compared to anytime this had happened before. It felt much more intense and made me feel like something important was about to happen to me.

"Hi." I look up and instantly feel a wave of familiarity. I stare at him as he sits down across from me and smiles, "I've been looking for you."

"That's a weird thing to say, I've never met you..." I trailed off as I got a good look at his face.

"Are you sure?" He laughs lightly and a familiar warm finds its way into my heart. And that's when I realize that it's him. The guy from that night. My eyes widen and he grins, "You remember now, right?"

"Wait, were you actually there then?" He shakes his head, "Then what kind of witchcraft is this?"

"It's not witchcraft." He laughed, "When I wrote this song, I fell asleep on my paper and I dreamt of a girl sitting next to me on a rooftop." He shook his head as stared at me for a moment. "I had never seen her before but she ended up helping me work through my feelings so I could write this song. She understood how I felt at the time."

"But you said that we've never met?" He nodded.

"It's really weird, I know. But I knew that I would see you again one day, the real you. Because you felt so real in that dream, like we were meant to find each other and this was our push to do so."

I sat there in silence and stared at him, unable to believe that any of this is happening. "Are you real?" I blurted out, a little louder than necessary.

He held out his hand, "I wouldn't touch you when we met the first time either, right?" I nodded slowly, looking between him and his hand. "Take my hand then. That'll make this feel real."

I looked at him for a moment and slowly brought my hand to meet his. As soon as they touched, he squeezed it lightly and laughed. "I can't believe this is actually happening..." I laughed lightly, a slight blush forming on my cheeks.

"I can't believe it either." He pulled out a little slip of paper, "Here. Text me, I have to go."

I picked up the paper and looked up at him as he got up from his seat. "Wait," I said, grabbing his hand one more time, "What's your name?"

He grinned and squeezed my hand once more, "My name is..."

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hope you enjoyed, byee

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